
2006/8/9 12:25:53| 分类: 默认分类

I have attached a list of beams that Yu quoted by copying the Samples I gave him. These were beams out of 14 gauge material but a 55KSI American steel, ANSI 1050. Also on the attached I show the American test standard for normal or working capacity and Maximum capacity What need Yu to do here is to get four of the most economical beams that meet the span and capacity I list and achieve a safety factor that the customers will be satisfied with. Ideally, we would want to be as good if not better than the USA manufacturer this means a 1.65 safety factor if all possible per the attached. Yu can use to his advantage: 1. the step beam 2. A step beam with a cap that is a thicker material than the step 3. Q345 or Q235 What ever is the most economical.


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