前言:对高碳钢淬火后回火与渗锌同时进行的工艺进行了试验研究。结果表明 ,在 380~ 4 0 0℃渗锌后 ,渗锌层由含锌量约为 85 %Zn的白亮层和过渡区组成。渗锌时间延长至 8h时 ,白亮层减薄 ,过渡区加宽。对于弦长为19mm ,高 4 5mm的高碳钢弓形薄片试样 ,淬火后于 380℃× 4h渗锌回火 ,可以承受 2 90N压力而不发生塑性变形
The simultaneous process of tempering with sheradizing for quench-hardened high carbon steel T12 has been studied.The experiment results show that the sheradizing layer after being sheradized at 380~400℃ consists of the surface white-bright zone with 85%Zn and transition zone.The white-bright zone depth becomes thinner and transition zone depth becomes wider when sheradizing time reaches 8h.For the carbon steel arc-shaped sheet sample with 19mm in span and 4.5mm in height,after quench-hardening and sheradiz... |
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