
2007/6/13 13:38:10| 分类: 默认分类

字母編碼字母編碼: A*-N-*B-***O---C-*-*P*--*D-**Q--*-E*R*-*F**-*S***G--*T-H****U**-I**V***-J*---W*--K-*-X-**-L*-**Y-*--M--Z--** 數字0 ----- 1 *---- 2 **--- 3 ***-- 4 ****- 5 ***** 6 -**** 7 --*** 8 ---** 9 ----*常用標點句號 *-*-*- 逗號 --**-- 問號 **--** 長破折號 -***- 連字元 -****- 分數線 -**-*特殊符號(同一符號) 這是一些有特殊意義的點劃組合。它們由二個字母的摩爾斯電碼連成一個使用,這樣可以省去正常時把它們做為兩個字母發送所必須的中間間隔時間。 AR *-*-* 停止 (消息結束) AS *-*** 等待 K -*- 邀請發射信號(一般跟隨AR,表示“該你了”) SK ***-*- 終止 (聯絡結束) BT -***- 分隔符 這些並不是真正的同一符號: ***-* (我將重新發送最後一個單詞) ** ** (同樣) ******** 錯誤 非英語字元的一些擴展å *--*- ä *-*- à *--*- é **-** ch ---- ö ---* ü **-- " *-**-* ! **--* 常用縮寫 縮寫和同一符號不同,縮寫保留著字元中間的間隔,它們並沒有被連成一個使用。 AA All after (used after question mark to request a repetition) AB All before (similarly) ARRL American Radio Relay League ABT About ADS Address AGN Again ANT Antenna BN All between BUG Semiautomatic key C Yes CBA Callbook address CFM Confirm CLG Calling CQ Calling any station CUL See you later CUZ Because CW Continuous wave CX Conditions DE From DX Distance (sometimes refers to long distance contact) ES And FB Fine business (Analogous to "OK") FCC Federal Communications Commission FER For FREQ Frequency GA Good afternoon or Go ahead (depending on context) GE Good evening GM Good morning GND Ground (ground potential) GUD Good HI Laughter HR Here HV Have LID Poor operator MILS Milliamperes NIL Nothing NR Number OB Old boy OC Old chap OM Old man (any male amateur radio operator is an OM) OO Official Observer OP Operator OT Old timer OTC Old timers club OOTC Old old timers club PSE Please PWR Power QCWA Quarter Century Wireless Association R I acknowledge or decimal point (depending on context) RCVR Receiver RPT Repeat or report (depending on context) RST Signal report format (Readability-Signal Strength-Tone) RTTY Radioteletype RX Receive SAE Self addressed envelope SASE Self addressed, stamped envelope SED Said SEZ Says SIG Signal SIGS Signals SKED Schedule SN Soon SOS international distress call SRI Sorry STN Station TEMP Temperature TMW Tomorrow TNX Thanks TU Thank you TX Transmit U You UR Your or you're (depending on context) URS Yours VY Very WDS Words WKD Worked WL Will WUD Would WX Weather XMTR Transmitter XYL Wife YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses


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