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2006/11/23 21:27:50| 分类: 默认分类

How to Make Fastener Brands Deep Into Customers' Mind "Insiders emphasize that fastener export should focus more on quality and service. Not only should the products reach the international levels, but also the service should follow them as well. In this way, the brands are significant and meaningful." Strategic Insight In fastener industry, most of the enterprises do not have a professional brand management department. No strategy is involved in brand building. Even worse, they only attach importance to short term benefit and do not have long term planning. The reason for the short sight is that many enterprises confuse brand appeal with product appeal. They focus nothing but product appeal and do not give attention to brand appeal. Nowadays, the most important strategy for China fastener enterprises is to have core competence. The brand management strategy of an enterprise, whether correct or not, determines the destiny of an enterprise--to develop or to disappear. In the face of the market competition home and abroad, local fastener enterprises have to expand their popularity and cultivate loyalty. In order to be enterprises with long history, they should set up brand development strategy. Brand building is not fulfilled in one day. It needs a course of accumulation. Judging those global brands, we might conclude that most of them develop with ten years, tens of years, or even hundreds of years of accumulation. Therefore, China fastener enterprises should avoid dreaming of getting famous in one night. It is obvious that enterprises should have strategy insight.


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