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2011/10/12 16:41:54| 分类: 默认分类


石西企业(国际)机构控股有限公司(简称:石西企业机构)创建于1980年,是集科研、开发、制造、贸易、投资于一体的经济联合实体, 是中国紧固件设备及紧固件制造的知名企业, “石西牌”螺丝机械,机床设备及紧固件产品凭借其不断创新的新技术和恒久耐用的品质在国内外同行享有着较高声誉,近年更凭企业自己强大的研发实力,向高端数控机床设备领域发展。

SHIXI ENTERPRISE (INTERNATIONAL) ORGANIZATION HOLDINGS CO., LTD.(Abbreviation: SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION), founded in 1980, is a united economic enterprise specializing in science researching, developing, manufacturing, trading and investing and a famous company in manufacturing fastener machinery and producing fasteners. With their innovative new technoligies and quality of super durability,“SHIXI BRAND” screw making machinery,machine tools and fasteners gain a high reputation in the domestic and foreign counterparts. In recent years, even with its strong strength in research and development, it develops towards the field of high-end CNC machine tool.


At present, the members includes Dongguan Guoling Machinery Co., Ltd.,Guangzhou Seaman Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd, Dongguan Jinlong Digital Technology Co., Ltd.,Dongguan Shixi Intelligent Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Puning Shixi Metal Industry Co., Ltd..

石西企业机构是中国-东盟商务理事会中方理事单位、全国工商联五金机电商会紧固件专业委员会会长单位、全国紧固件标准化技术委员会委员单位。石西企业机构东莞市国菱机械有限公司2003年被广东省科技厅授予“高新技术企业”,并被评为“广东省百家知识产权优势民营企业”,同年公司开发的 “无夹钳二模三冲零件冷镦成型机” 获得中国机械通用零部件工业协会颁发的“优秀新产品特等奖”。2006年,在第十六届全国发明展览会上荣获“金奖”和“东莞市长特别奖”。同年与北京大学联合承担广东省国家教育部产学研结合<二模三冲新型多工位零件冷镦成形机研发及产业化>项目研发任务;2008年再次被授于国家级“高新技术企业”称号。2009年,石西企业机构专利“无夹钳多功能零件成型装置”荣获“东莞市专利优秀奖”,由石西企业机构东莞市国菱机械有限公司起草制订的“GB/T67-2008 开槽盘头螺钉”和“GB/T6188-2008 螺栓和螺钉用内六角花形”两项紧固件国家标准,经国家标准委审核全部通过,并于200921正式实施。到目前为止,石西企业机构拥有各种专利(发明专利、实用新型和外观设计专利)达200多项。

SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION is one of China’s executive member in China-ASEAN Business Council, the chairman unit of China National Industry& Commerce Committee, and the commissioner unit of China national Fastener Standardization Technology Committee. SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION Dongguan Guoling Machinery Co., Ltd. was conferred "High & New Technology Enterprise" and assesed as Guangdong Preponderant Intellectual Property Enterprise In One Hundred by the Science & Technology Bureau of Guangdong Province in 2003. In 2006, "Non-clamp 2 Die 3 Blow Parts Cold Heading Former" developed by the company was awarded "Special Prize of New Superior Products" by China General Machine Components Industry Association and “Gold Prize” and “Dongguan Mayor’s Special Award” in the 16th National Invention Exhibition. In the same year, with the joint commitment of Peking University, SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION undertook  the R&D task in the project of research and development of new two die three blow cold former and industrialization by the Department of Industry, Education and Academy of Guangdong province and Education Department of China. In 2008, SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION was conferred "High & New Technology Enterprise" once again. In 2009, the patent of Two Die Three Blow Cold Forming Equipment is conferred Dongguan Patent Award of Excellence. China national standards of GB/T67-2008 Slotted Pan Head Screws and GB/T6188-2008 Socket Flower Shape for Bolts and Screws drafted by SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION Dongguan Guoling Machinery Co., Ltd. were audited by China National Fastener Standardization Technology Committee and came into effect from February 1, 2009. Up to now, SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION owns more than 200 invention patents, utility model patents and design patents.

石西企业机构坚持以技术研发为主导核心,以市场营销为最终目的微笑曲线产业经营战略为企业文化, 近年来企业向其他领域成功拓展并始终坚持拼搏钻研而拥有许多核心专利技术,目前有石西机械、石西电子、石西螺丝、普宁石西等事业部门。

SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION adheres to the enterprise’s culture of the smile curve business strategy of focusing on research and development and being aimed at marketing. In recent years, SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION successfully expands to other fields and owns many core patent technologies after continuous hard studying. At present, it owns business departments of SHIXI MACHINERY, SHIXI ELECTRONICS, SHIXI SCREWS, PUNING SHIXI and so on.


Patent technology is the soul of a company’s innovation. The people of SHIXI stick to the road of scientific and technological road to make sure that SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION maintain the leadership of technology in the fierce market and be one of the famous science and technology leading companies in the field of China’s metal cold forming equipment. So SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION owns a good reputation of quality and technology. With continuous increase of innovation and patented technologies, precise manufacturing process, “customer centric” service concept, the market of SHIXI BRAND precise screw making machines and machine tools has been expanded from Southern China to Central China and Northern China, from domestic to South Korea, Japan, Thailand, India, Turkey, Russia, USA and other countries of the world.


SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION with unique spirit of innovation has been proved to be the advocator and practitioner of new metal cold forming technologies. Relying on the accumulations of more than 20 years’ experiences on research and development, SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION organizes and compiles China’s first fastener technology training book Metal Cold Forming Technology which has been published by Machinery Industry Press. SHIXI ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION will apply dozens of years of experiences and pursuit on screw producing and machine operating to the research and development of the machines, and continuously contribute to the development of the fastener industry with tireless efforts.


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石西牌精密螺丝机(副教授)2011-12-31 09:13:36


石西牌精密螺丝机(副教授)2011-12-27 10:04:56


石西牌精密螺丝机(副教授)2011-12-22 15:18:22


石西牌精密螺丝机(副教授)2011-12-14 09:46:25


石西牌精密螺丝机(副教授)2011-12-14 09:46:08



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