


2007/6/20 17:27:56| 分类: 默认分类

Unit IX Medicare 国家机关 state organs 医疗资源的滥用 misuse of medical resources 临床经验 clinical experience 增强身体对疾病的抵抗力 build up the body’s resistance to diseases 器官移植 organ transplant 重症监护室 intensive care unit (ICU) 陶冶性情 mold one’s temperament 改善环境卫生 improve environmental sanitation 综合医院 general hospital 妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 耳鼻喉科 ENT (ear, nose, throat) department 血库 blood bank 住院部 inpatient dept. 手术室 operation room 主治医生 doctor / physician in charge 护士长 head nurse 产妇 expecting mother / lying-in woman 急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 顽症 stubborn disease 地方病 endemic disease 职业病 occupational disease 风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis 流产(自然的) miscarriage 伤寒 typhoid 小儿麻痹症 infantile paralysis 脑溢血 cerebral hemorrhage 内服 to be taken orally 外敷 for external application 打针 to give/have an injection 输血 blood transfusion 输液 fluid infusion 输氧 oxygen therapy 止痛剂 pain-killer 镇静药 sedative 安眠药 sleeping pill 草药 herbal medicine 秘方 home prescription 偏方 folk prescription Unit X Industry 工业产值 industrial output 从零开始,白手起家 start from scratch 集成电路 integrated circuit 现代企业制度 modern corporate system 兼并 merger and acquisition 装机容量 installed capacity 机床 machine tool 石油勘探 oil / petroleum prospecting 试生产,试制 trial manufacture 国际标准化组织 International Standards Organization (ISO) 家用电器 home appliance 销售网点 sales outlet 节能冰箱 energy-saving refrigerator 本地化 localization 重工业 / 轻工业 heavy / light industry 非国有企业 non-state enterprise 中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 厂长 head of factory 产权清晰,权责分明,政企分开,管理科学 Clearly defined property rights, clearly specified power and responsibilities, separation from government as well as scientific management 工业基地 industrial base 降低废品、次品数量 reduce the number of rejects and seconds 次品 substandard / defective goods 充分发挥现有设备的生产能力 To use the existing equipment to its maximum capacity 试产 trial production 成品 finished product 半成品 semi-finished product 招标 call for / invite tenders 生产指标 production target 生产销售一体化 integration of production and marketing / vertical integration 劳动密集型 labor-intensive 知识密集型 knowledge-intensive 资本密集型 capital-intensive 上市 to go public ;get listed


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