
2011/11/1 9:11:25| 分类: 默认分类

A R Steel 高温度锰钢
Abnormal Steel 反常钢; 非正常钢
Aluminium-steel Cable 钢铝电缆
Aluminized Steel 涂铝钢
Aluminum Nickel Steel 铝镍钢
Anchored Steel Trestle 锚固式钢栈桥
Angle Steel Ruler 钢角尺
Anisotropic Steel 各向异性钢片
Anisotropy Silicon Steel 各向异性硅钢片
Annealed Sheet Steel 退火薄钢板
Annealed Steel 退火钢; 韧钢
Anti-Creeping Angle Steel 防爬角铁
Anticorrosive Aluminium-Coated Steel Wire 防蚀镀铝钢丝
Arc-Furnace Steel 电炉钢
Arc-Welded Steel Pipe 电弧焊接钢管
Area Of Steel 钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积
Area Of Structural Steel 型钢截面积
Armco Aluminized Steel 阿姆柯渗铝钢
Armco Aluminized Steel 表面浸镀铝钢
Armco Stabilized Steel 阿母柯稳定化钢
Armco Steel 阿姆柯软钢
Armco Steel 不硬化钢
Austenilic Ni-Cr Stainless Steel 奥氏体镍铬不锈钢
Austenitic Alloy Steel 奥氏体合金钢
Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel 奥氏体铬-镍钢
Austenitic Clad Steel 奥氏体复合钢
Austenitic Heat-Resistance Steel 奥氏体耐热钢
Austenitic Manganese Steel 奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢
Austenitic Stainless Steel 奥氏体不锈钢
Austenitic Steel 奥氏体钢
Automatic Steel 易切削钢
Automatic(Al) Steel 易切削钢
Axle Shaft Steel 车轴钢
Axle Steel 车轴钢
Bainitic Steel 贝氏体钢
Balanced Steel 半镇静钢
Ball Bearing Steel Strip 滚珠轴承钢带
Ball Race Steel 滚珠轴承圈钢
Ball-Bearing Steel 滚珠轴承钢
Bamboo Steel 竹节钢筋
Band Steel 带钢
Banding Steel 带钢; 箍钢
Bar Steel 棒钢; 条钢
Basic Bessemer Steel 碱性贝氏转炉钢
Basic Bessemer Steel 碱性转炉钢
Basic Bessemer Steel Converter 碱性转炉钢转炉
Basic Converter Steel 碱性转炉钢
Basic Electric Furnace Steel 碱性电炉钢
Basic Open Hearth Steel 碱性平炉钢
Battened Steel Column 双肢钢柱
Beam Steel Plate 大梁钢板
Beam With Compression Steel 双筋梁
Bearing Quality Steel 滚珠钢
Bearing Steel 轴承钢
Bent Steel 挠曲钢筋
Bessemer Low Carbon Steel 酸性转炉低碳钢
Bessemer Mild Steel 贝色麦钢
Bessemer Steel 贝色麦钢; 酸性钢
Best Plough Steel Wire 铅淬火高强度钢丝
Billet Steel 坯段钢; 钢坯; 短条钢
Binary Steel 二元合金钢
Black Mild Steel Carriage Bolt And Nut 黑铁马车螺丝闩
Black Mild Steel Fish Bolt And Nut 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩
Black Mild Steel Flat Head Rivet 黑铁扁头铆钉
Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 黑铁号头铆钉
Black Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 黑铁六角螺丝帽
Black Mild Steel Pan Head Rivet 黑铁锥头铆钉
Black Mild Steel Round Head Rivet 黑铁圆头铆钉
Black Mild Steel Square Nut 黑铁四方螺丝帽
Black Steel Pipe 黑钢板
Black Steel Sheet 黑钢皮
Black Tin Steel 黑钢板
Blister Steel 泡钢; 泡面钢
Abnormal Structure Steel 反常组织钢
Abrasion-Resistant Steel 耐磨钢
Blue Steel 蓝钢
Bluing Of Steel 钢加蓝
Boiler Steel 锅炉钢; 锅炉钢板
Boiler Steel Plate 锅炉钢板
Boiling Steel 沸腾钢
Bolting Steel 螺栓钢
Blue Planished Steel 发蓝薄钢板
Bloom Steel 初轧钢; 钢坯
Boron Steel 硼钢
Brass Fitting Of Steel Window 钢窗铜配件
Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Bead Wood Screw 镀黄铜圆头软钢木螺丝
Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 镀黄铜圆头软钢机器螺丝
Brass-Plated Steel Wire 镀黄铜钢丝
Brearley Steel 布里阿雷不锈钢; 布氏高铬钢
Bridge Steel 桥梁钢
Bright And Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 号头铆钉
Bright Mild Steel Cotter Pin 光亮软钢开尾销
Bright Mild Steel Countersunk Head Wood Screw 光亮软钢平头木螺丝
Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 光亮软钢六角螺丝帽
Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nuts 六角光螺帽; 六角螺丝帽
Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Pressed Nut 光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝帽
Bright Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 光亮软钢圆头木螺丝
Bright-Drawn Free Cutting Steel 光拉自由切削钢
Bright-Drawn Steel 光亮拉拔钢材
Bright-Finished Steel 光亮精整钢
Bristol Steel Belt Lacing 布瑞斯涛钢带接头
Bronze Steel 镀青铜钢
Building Of Steel Frame Construction 钢框架房屋
Bulb Steel 球扁钢
Bulb-Rail Steel 球头丁字钢
Burned Steel 过烧钢
Calorized Steel 涂铝钢; 渗化钢
Calorizing Steel 铝化钢
Capped Steel 加盖钢; 半镇静钢
Carbon And Low-Alloy Steel Vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器
Carbon Content Of Steel 钢含碳量
Carbon Molybdenum Steel 钼碳钢
Carbon Steel 碳钢; 碳素钢
Carbon Steel Covered Electrode 碳钢焊条
Carbon Steel Plate 碳素钢板; 碳素钢板和型材
Carbon Tool Steel 碳工具钢; 碳素工具钢
Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel 含碳合金钢
Carbon-Free Stainless Steel 无碳不锈钢
Carbon-Free Steel 无碳钢
Carburizing Steel 碳钢
Case-Hardened Steel 表面渗碳硬化钢; 渗碳钢
Bolts & Nuts For Steel Slotted 角钢螺丝
Cast Alloy Steel Piston 合金铸钢活塞
Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core 钢芯铸铁焊条
Cast Stainless Steel 铸造不锈钢
Cast Steel 铸钢件
Cast Steel Plate 铸钢板
Cast(Carbon) Steel 铸钢
Cast-In Steel Bush 铸入钢套
Casement Section Steel 窗框钢
Cast-Steel 铸钢
Cast-Steel Crossing 铸钢辙叉
Cast-Steel Pipe 铸钢管
Cast-Steel Separator 铸钢隔板; 铸钢横梁
Cast-Steel Shot 钢砂
Cast-Steel Yoke 铸钢轭
Cellular Steel Floor 格型钢楼板
Cement-And-Grouted Steel Bolt 钢筋砂浆锚杆
Cemented Steel 表面硬化钢
Cemented Templet Steel 渗碳样板钢
Centra Steel 球状石墨铸钢
Centrifugal Steel 离心铸钢
Centrifuge(D) Steel 离心铸造钢
Channel Steel 槽钢
Channel-Section Steel 槽形钢
Channeled-Steel Wheel Rim 槽钢制轮辋
Checkered Steel Plate 花纹钢板
Chemical Capped Steel 化学封顶钢
Chilled Cast Steel 冷硬铸钢
Chilled Hardened Steel 淬火钢
Chilled Steel 淬火钢; 淬硬钢
Chisel Steel 凿钢; 凿子钢
Chrome Hardened Steel 铬硬化钢
Chrome Steel 铬钢
Chrome-Carbon Steel 铬碳钢
Chrome-Manganese Nitrogen Steel 铬锰氮钢
Chrome-Manganese-Silicon Alloy Steel 铬锰硅合金钢
Chrome-Molybdenum Steel 铬钼钢
Chrome-Nickel Steel 铬镍钢
Chrome-Plated Steel Nozzle 镀铬钢喷管
Chrome-Silicon Steel 铬硅钢
Chrome-Tungsten Steel 铬钨钢
Chrome-Vanadium Steel 铬钒钢
Chromemanganese Steel 铬锰钢
Chromium Nickel Steel 高强度耐蚀铬镍钢
Chromium Stainless Steel 铬不锈钢
Chromium Steel 铬钢
Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 铬钼钢
Chromium-Nickel Steel 铬镍钢
Chromium-Plated Mild Steel Animal Chain 镀铬软钢动物链条
Chromium-Tungstenvanadium Steel 铬钨钒钢
Chromiummanganese Steel 铬锰钢
Chromiumnickel Austenite Stainless Steel 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢
Chromiumplated Thin-Walled Steel Cylinder Liner 钢质薄壁镀铬汽缸衬套
Chromized Steel 渗铬钢
Circular Steel Support 环形金属支架
Clad Sheet Steel 包层薄钢板
Clad Steel 包层钢; 双层钢; 双金属钢
Clad Steel Plate 复合钢板
Cladding Steel 包覆钢
Cladding Steel Sheet 复合钢板
Clean Steel 纯净钢; 洁净钢
Closed Die Steel 闭锻模钢
Coarse-Grained Steel 粗晶粒钢
Coated Steel 镀层钢板
Coating Steel Pipe 镀锌钢管
Cobalt High Speed Steel 钴高速钢
Cobalt-Chromium Steel 钴铬钢
Coiled Steel 成卷带钢
Cold Forging Steel 冷锻钢
Cold Pressed Steel 冷压钢
Cold Reduced Steel 马口铁卷板
Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bar 冷轧竹节钢筋
Cold Rolled Sheet Steel 冷轧薄钢板
Cold Twisted Steel Bar 冷扭钢筋
Cold-Banded Steel Pipe 冷箍钢管
Cold-Drawn Steel 冷拔钢; 冷拉钢
Cold-Drawn Steel Pipe 冷拉钢管
Cold-Drawn Steel Tube 冷拉钢管
Cold-Finished Steel 冷加工精整钢
Cold-Pressed Sheet Steel 冷压薄钢板
Cold-Pressed Steel Plate 冷压钢板
Cold-Pressing Quality Steel 冷弯钢
Cold-Roll Steel Sheets 冷轧钢板
Cold-Rolled (Cold Rolled) Steel 冷轧钢
Cold-Rolled Carbon Spring Steel 冷轧弹簧碳钢
Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel 冷轴碳钢
Cold-Rolled Steel Strip 冷轧带钢
Cold-Shaping Steel 冷变形钢
Cold-Short Steel 冷脆钢
Cold-Steel 利器
Cold-Strip Steel 冷轧带钢
Cold-Strip Steel Rolling Mill 冷轧带钢机; 带钢冷轧机
Cold-Worked Steel 冷作钢
Cold-Working Steel 冷作钢
Coldshort Steel 冷脆钢
Color Stainless Steel 彩色不锈钢
Colored Stainless Steel 彩色不锈钢
Column With Steel Hooping 螺旋箍筋柱
Combined Steel And Concrete Column 钢骨混凝土柱
Comminuted Steel Shot 钢粉
Common Straight Carbon Steel 普通碳素钢
Complex Alloy Steel 多元合金钢; 合金钢
Complex Steel 多元合金钢; 合金钢
Composite Iron And Steel 包钢铁
Composite Steel 复层钢; 复合钢; 多层钢; 双层钢
Composite Steel Bridge 复合钢桥
Composite Steel Concrete Column 劲性混凝土柱
Compound Steel 三层钢
Compressed Asbestos Fibre Ointing With Steel Wire 进排气夹金属丝网橡胶石棉板
Compressed Steel 压钢
Concrete Steel 钢筋钢; 劲性钢筋
Concrete-Reinforcing Steel 混凝土加固用钢筋
Cast-In Steel Pipe 铸入钢管
Construction Steel 构造钢
Construction(Al) Steel 结构钢; 建筑钢
Constructional Alloy Steel 合金结构钢
Constructional Steel 构造钢
Constructional Steel Bar 构造钢筋
Converter Steel 转炉钢
Cooler-Plated Steel 加盖沸腾钢
Conical Steel Body 锥形钢体
Cope In Steel Beam 钢梁的顶层
Copper Alloy Steel 铜合金钢
Copper Bearing Steel 含铜钢; 铜钢
Copper Clad Steel 包铜钢
Copper Clad Steel Conductor 包铜钢丝
Copper Clad Steel Wire 铜包钢线
Copper Coated Mild Steel Wire 镀铜软钢丝
Copper Coated Stainless Steel Wire 镀铜不锈钢丝
Copper Containing Steel 含铜钢
Copper Covered Steel Conductor 铜包钢线
Copper Plated Steel 镀铜钢板
Copper Steel 铜钢
Copper-Clad Steel Conductor 铜包钢线; 铜包钢线
Copper-Clad Steel Wire 包铜钢丝
Copperclad Steel Wire 铜包钢线
Coppered Steel Wire 镀铜钢丝
Copperplated Steel 包铜钢板
Core Properties Of Case Hardened Steel 表面热处理后钢中心的性质
Cored Steel 中空钢
Corrosion Of Steel 钢材腐蚀
Corrosion Resistant Steel 抗腐蚀钢
Corrosion Resisting Steel 耐蚀钢
Corrugate Steel 竹节钢筋
Corrugated Roof Steel 瓦楞屋面钢板; 波纹屋面钢
Corrugated Sheet Steel 波形钢板
Corrugated Square Steel Bar 方竹节钢条
Corrugated Steel 波纹钢; 波纹钢板
Corrugated Steel Sheet 瓦垅钢板
Creep-Resistant Steel 耐蠕变钢
Crucible Cast Steel (用坩埚炼制的高级铸钢) 坩埚钢
Crucible Steel 坩埚钢
Crucible-Cast Steel 坩埚铸钢
Crude Steel 粗钢
Crushed Steel 碎钢粉
Cryogenic Steel 低温用钢
Cultivator Steel 中耕机锄铲; 耕耘机锄铲
Cupric Cemented Steel 渗铜钢
Cutlery Stainless Steel 刀具用不锈钢
Cutlery Steel 刀具钢; 刃具钢
Cutlery-Type Stainless Steel 刀具不锈钢
Cutting Tool Steel 刃具钢
Cutting-Tool Steel 切削工具钢
Cyanided Steel 氰化钢
Damascus Steel 大马士革钢
Damask Steel 大马士革钢
Dead Mild Steel 超低碳钢; 极软碳钢
Dead Setting Steel 脱氧钢
Dead Soft Steel 极软碳钢
Dead Steel 全镇静钢; 软钢; 不能热处理钢
Dead-Hard Steel 高强度钢; 高强钢; 高硬钢
Dead-Melted Steel 全脱氧钢
Deck-Girder Steel Dam 板梁式钢坝
Deep Punching Steel 深冲钢
Deep-Drawing Steel 深拉钢
Deformed Channel Steel 异型槽钢
Deformed Flat Steel 异型扁钢
Deformed Ore-Stressed Concrete Steel Wire 预应力混凝土异形钢丝
Deformed Round Steel Bar 圆竹节钢筋
Deformed Steel Bar 周期断面钢材
Deformed Steel Bars 螺纹钢
Degasified Steel 除气钢
Deoxidized Steel 脱氧钢
Deposit Steel 熔敷钢
Derrick Type Steel Tapes 架式钢卷尺
Design Of Steel Structure 钢结构设计
Diaphragm Steel (含34%Si) 电话薄膜钢
Die Steel 模具钢
Direct Steel Process 直接炼钢法; 一步炼钢法
Directional Silicon Steel 各向异性硅钢
Directional Silicon Steel Strip 各向异性硅钢片
Dirty Steel 不洁钢
Distributed Steel 配筋
Distribution Steel 分布钢筋
Door Lock With Stainless Steel Knob 不锈钢球型房门锁
Double Period Section Steel 复合周期断面钢材
Double-Alloy Steel 二元合金钢
Dowel Steel 传力杆; 合缝钢条
Drawing Steel 冷拉钢
Drawn Steel 拔制钢; 拉制钢; 冷拉钢
Dressing Of Steel Ingots 钢锭的整修
Drill And Steel Wire Gage 钻径及钢丝规
Drill Steel 钻钢; 钻头钢
Drilling Steel 钢钎
Drop Forged Steel Bench Vice 锻钢台虎钳
Dry Steel 低级钢
Ducol Steel 低锰结构钢
Ductile Steel 韧性钢
Cooperation Of Concrete And Steel 混凝土与钢筋的联合作用
Duplex Process For Steel Making 双联法; 双联炼钢法
Duplex Steel 双炼钢; 二联钢
Dynamo Sheet Steel 电机用薄钢片
Dynamo Steel 电机钢
Dynamo Steel Sheet 电机钢板; 电机用硅钢片
Bond Between Concrete And Steel 混凝土与钢筋间的结合力
Accessories For Steel Rail 钢轨配件
Electric Furnace Steel 电炉钢
Electric Steel 电炉钢
Electric Steel Furnace 电炉钢炉; 电气炼钢炉
Electric Steel Heat 电炉钢熔炼
Electric Steel Making Process 电炉炼钢操作法
Electric Welded Steel Pipe 电焊钢管
Electric(Al) Steel 电工钢
Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe 电阻焊钢管
Electrical Steel 电炉钢
Electrical Steel Sheet 电工硅钢片
Electro-Galvanised Steel-Clad Fire Door 电镀钢包防火门
Electro-Galvanized Steel Wire 电镀锌钢丝
Electroless Nickel Plated Steel 化学镀镍钢; 无电镀镍钢
Electrosmelting Of Steel 电炉炼钢
Embedded Steel 埋置钢筋
En Steel (英国标准) 工程用低碳钢
Enamelled Pressed Steel 搪瓷钢板
Enamelling Sheet Steel 钢板搪瓷
End-Bearing Steel H-Pile 端部承载的工字钢桩
Equal Angle Steel 等边角钢
Dull Steel Sheet 不光亮的钢板
Effervescing Steel 沸腾钢
Eutectic Steel 共晶钢
Eutectoid Steel 共析钢
Expanded Steel Diamond Mesh 菱形钢板网
Expanded Steel Packing Element 钢板网蜂窝填料
Extension Steel 接杆钎子
Extra Deep-Drawing Steel 极深冲钢; 优质深冲钢
Extra Fine Steel 超细钢
Extra Hard Steel 特硬钢; 超硬钢
Extra Soft Steel 特软钢
Extra Special Improved Plough Steel Wire 超级制绳钢丝
Extra Strong Steel Pipe 特强钢管
Extra Thick Steel Wire 特粗钢丝
Extra Thin Steel Wire 特细钢丝
Extra-Deep Drawing Steel 超深冲钢
Extra-High Tensile Steel 特高强度钢
Extra-High-Tensile Steel 超高强度钢
Extra-Low Carbon Steel 极低碳素钢
Extra-Low-Carbon Stain Less Steel 超低碳不锈钢
Effervescenced Steel 沸腾钢
Fabricated Steel 结构钢
Fabricated Steel Body 装配式钢体
Fast Molten-Steel Temperature Gauge 钢液快速测温仪
Equilateral Angle Steel 等边角钢
Extreme Low Carbon Steel 超低碳钢
Ferritic Stainless Steel 铁素体不锈钢
Ferritic Steel Vessel 铁素体钢容器
Ferro-Aluminium-Manganese Steel 铁铝锰钢
Ferrovanadium Steel 钒钢
Ferrite Steel 铁素体钢
Ferritic Steel 铁素体钢
Erection Of Steel Work 钢架装置
Figured Steel 异形钢
Fiery Steel 过烧钢
Finished Steel 成品钢; 精制钢
Finishing Steel 最后的钻杆
Fire Resistance Steel Door 钢质防火门
Fire-Resistant Coating For Steel Structure 钢结构防火涂料
Fine Steel 合金钢
Fixation With Steel Pin 钢丝针固定
Fixation With Steel Wire 钢丝固定
Acid Bessemer Steel 酸性转炉钢
Flange Angle Steel 凸缘角钢
Flange Cast Steel Sluice Valve 法兰铸钢闸阀
Flange Steel 凸缘钢
Flat And Round Steel-Chain 平圆式钢链
Flat Bulb Steel 扁球钢
Flat Mild Steel Bar 扁型软钢
Flat Rolled Steel Bar 压延钢条
Flat Spring Steel 扁弹簧钢; 扁簧钢
Flat Steel 扁钢
Flat Steel Bar 扁钢条
Fire-Resisting Steel Sliding Door 防火钢推拉门
File Steel 锉刀钢
Flat Strip Steel 平钢带
Flat Threaded Steel 扁螺纹钢
Flat-Bulb Steel 球扁钢
Flat-Rolled Steel 扁钢
Flex Steel Tape 钢卷尺
Flexible Drill Steel 挠性钢钎
Flexible Flat Drill Steel 挠性扁钢钎
Flexible Ribbon Steel 挠性带状钢钎
Flexible Stainless-Steel Bellows 挠性不锈钢密封盒
Flexible Steel 挠性钢钎
Flexible Steel In Flat Section 挠性扁钢钎
Fluid-Compressed Steel 液体压缩钢
Folding Steel Chair 钢折椅
Fixed Steel Window Shutter 固定钢百叶窗
Forged Steel Magnet 锻造钢磁铁
Forged Steel Rolls For Hot Rolling 锻钢热轧辊
Forging Quality Steel 锻造用钢胚
Forging Steel 锻钢
Forging Steel Valve 锻钢阀
Formed Steel Base 型钢底座
Fountain Pen With Stainless Steel Cap 不锈钢套钢笔
Fountain Pen With Stainless Steel Nib 不锈钢钢笔
Four-Winged Steel Bit 十字形钢钻头
Framework Of Steel Reinforcement 钢筋骨架
Free Cutting Steel 高速切削钢; 自由切削钢
Free Cutting Steel Wire 易切削钢丝
Free Machining Steel 高速切削钢
Free-Cutting Steel 易切削钢
Free-Machining Steel 易切削钢
Full Killed Steel 全镇静钢; 完全镇静钢; 镇静钢
Full Stainless Steel Watch 全钢表
Full-Hardened Steel 全淬硬钢
Fully Hardening Steel 全硬淬透钢
Fully Killed Steel 全脱氧钢
Fully-Deoxidized Steel 全脱氧钢
Furniture Of Steel 钢家具
Furniture Of Steel And Wood 钢木家具
Ga(U)Ge Steel 量具用钢
Galvanized And Welded Steel Pipe 镀锌焊缝钢管
Galvanized Corrugated Steel 镀锌瓦楞薄钢板; 镀锌瓦楞钢板
Galvanized Mild Steel Animal Chain 镀锌动物链条
Galvanized Mild Steel Countersunk Head Wood Screw 镀锌沉头木螺丝
Galvanized Mild Steel Drive Screw 镀锌螺丝钉
Galvanized Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolt And Nut 镀锌六角螺栓螺帽
Galvanized Mild Steel Hexagonal Wire Netting 镀锌六角铁丝网
Galvanized Mild Steel Link Chain 镀锌铁链条
Galvanized Mild Steel Roofing Bolt And Nut 镀锌瓦楞螺栓螺帽
Galvanized Mild Steel Roofing Screw 镀锌瓦楞螺丝
Galvanized Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 镀锌圆头机器螺丝
Galvanized Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 镀锌圆头木螺丝
Galvanized Mild Steel Square Nut 镀锌四方螺丝帽
Galvanized Round Stitching Steel Wire 镀锌订书圆钢丝
Galvanized Steel 镀锌钢; 镀锌铁皮
Galvanized Steel Corrugated Sheet 镀锌波纹钢板
Galvanized Steel Pipe 镀锌钢管
Galvanized Steel Plain Sheet 镀锌钢板; 镀锌平钢板
Galvanized Steel Reinforcing Mesh 镀锌钢筋网
Galvanized Steel Self Tapping Screw 镀锌自攻螺线
Galvanized Steel Sheet 镀锌钢板; 镀锌钢皮
Galvanized Steel Strip 镀锌钢带
Galvanized Steel Tube 镀锌钢管
Galvanized Steel Wash Boiler 镀锌钢洗衣煮锅
Galvanized Steel Wire 镀锌钢丝
Galvanized Steel Wire Netting 镀锌钢丝网
Galvanized Steel Wire Rope 镀锌钢丝绳
Galvanized Steel Wire Rope Clip 镀锌钢丝绳卡头
Galvanized Steel Wire Strand 镀锌钢绞绳
Gas Steel Pipe 煤气钢管
Geiger Steel Analyzer 盖格X射线钢分析仪
General Structural Steel 普通结构钢
Geology Steel Tube 地质钢管
Girder Steel 钢梁
Glass Lined Steel (耐化学侵蚀的钢件) 搪玻璃钢件
Glass Lined Steel Pipe 衬玻璃钢管
Glass Steel Tile 玻璃钢瓦
Glass Steel Tube 玻璃钢管
Glass-Hard Steel 特硬钢
Glass-Lined Steel 玻璃衬里钢
Glass-Steel Reflector 玻璃钢反射器
Glassed Steel 搪玻璃; 搪瓷钢
GLX-W Steel 高强度半镇静钢
Grade Of Steel 钢号
Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel 取向性硅钢片
Grain-Oriented Steel 晶粒取向钢
Graphitic Steel 石墨钢; 石墨体钢
Graphitizable Steel 石墨化钢
Grip Between Concrete And Steel 钢筋混凝土握裹力
Groove Steel 槽钢
Grooved Spring Steel 带槽弹簧钢
Ground Steel Wire 磨光钢丝
Gun Steel 炮钢
Guyed Steel Stack 牵索铁烟囱
H Steel 宽缘工字钢
Hadfield Manganese Steel 哈德菲尔德锰钢
Hadfield Steel 哈德菲尔德高锰钢; 哈特非钢; 奥氏体高锰钢
Hadifield Steel 高锰钢
Half Spherical Steel Bobbin 半圆形钢质滚轮
Half Steel 钢性生铁
Half-Hard Steel 半硬钢
Halvan Tool Steel 铬钒系工具钢
Hammered Steel 锻钢
Hand Drill Steel 手持式钢钎
Hand Steel Snap 手用钢铆钉模
Hard Alloy Steel 硬合金钢; 硬质合金钢
Hard Steel 硬钢
Hard-Drawn Steel Wire 硬拉钢丝
Hardened And Tempered Steel 调质钢
Hardened Steel 硬化钢; 淬火钢
Hardened Steel Roller 淬火钢滚轮
Hardened-Steel Bushing 淬火钢衬套
Hardened-Steel Guideway 淬火钢导轨
Hardened-Steel Tire 硬化钢环箍
Hardening Of Steel 钢的硬化
Harvey Steel 固体渗碳硬化钢
Heat And Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐热防锈钢
Heat Treatment Of Steel 钢的热处理
Heat-Resistant Steel 耐热钢
Heat-Resisting Alloy Steel 耐热合金钢
Heat-Resisting Steel 耐热钢; 热强钢
Heat-Treatable Steel 热处理钢
Heat-Treated Steel 热处理钢
Heat-Treated Steel Track 热处理钢履带
Heavy Section Steel 大型型钢
Heavy Steel Rolling Mill 大型轧钢厂
Helical Steel Support 螺旋形井筒支架
Hexagon Bar Steel 六角条钢
Hexagonal Steel Bar 六角形钢筋
Hi-Stren Steel 低合金高强度钢
High Alloy Steel 高质合金钢
High Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 高角平底钢刨
High Boron Steel 高硼钢
High Carbon Steel 高碳钢
High Chrome Alloy Steel 高铬合金钢
High Chrome Steel 高铬钢; 高铬钢
High Chromium Steel 高铬钢
High Frequency Steel Furnace 高频炼钢炉
High Manganese Carbon Steel 高锰碳钢
High Manganese Cast Steel 高锰铸钢
High Manganese Stainless Steel 高锰不锈钢
High Manganese Steel 高锰钢
High Manganese Steel Casting 高锰钢铸件
High Manganese Steel Frog 高锰钢辙叉
High Manganese Steel Rail And Guard Rail 高锰钢辙叉及护轨
High Nickel Steel 高镍钢; 高镍合金钢
High Nickel-Chrome Steel 高镍铬钢
High Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 高压不锈钢软管
High Quality Steel 高级钢
High Speed Steel Bit 高速钢钻头
High Speed Steel Cutter 高速钢刀具
High Speed Steel Ground Tap 高速钢磨削丝锥
High Speed Steel Lathe Tool 高速钢车刀
High Speed Steel Power Hacksaw Blade 高速钢机用锯条
High Speed Steel Tool Bit 高速钢刀具
High Speed Steel Turning Tool 高速钢车刀
High Speed Steel Twist Drill 高速钢麻花钻
High Speed Steel Wire 高速钢丝
High Steel 高碳钢; 硬钢
High Strength Alloy Steel Shackle 高强度合金钢锁扣
High Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度钢斜垫圈
High Strength Construction Steel 高强结构钢
High Strength Hull Steel 高强度船体结构钢
High Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢; 低合金高强度钢
High Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平钢垫圈
High Strength Steel 高强度钢材
High Strength Steel Bar 高强钢筋
High Strength Steel Plate 高强钢板
High Strength Steel Washer 高强度钢垫圈
High Strength Structural Steel 高强度结构钢
High Tensile Deformed Steel Bar 高拉力异形钢筋
High Tensile Reinforing Steel 高强钢筋
High Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高级钢
High Tensile Steel Plate 高强钢板
High Tensile Steel Tube 高强度钢管
High Tensile Steel Wire 高强钢丝
High Tensile Thin Steel Plate 高强薄钢板
High Yield Stress Steel 高屈服强度钢
High-Alloy Steel 高合金钢
High-Alloy Steel Vessel 高合金钢容器
High-Carbon Alloy Steel 高碳合金钢
High-Carbon Chromium Steel 高碳铬钢
High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel 高碳高张力钢
High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel Wire 高碳高张力钢线
High-Carbon Steel 高碳钢
High-Carbon Steel Heat Treated 热处理过的高碳钢
High-Chromium Stainless Steel 高铬不锈钢
High-Creep Strength Steel 高蠕变强度钢
High-Ductility Steel 高韧性钢; 高塑性钢
High-Duty Steel 高强度钢
High-Elastic Limit Steel 高弹性极限钢; 高弹性限度钢
High-Frequency Electric Welded Steel Pipe 高频电焊钢管
High-Frequency Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 高频变压器硅钢片
High-Grade Alloy Steel 高级合金钢
High-Grade Alloy Structure Steel 高级合金结构; 高级合金结构钢
High-Grade Carbon Steel 高级碳素钢
High-Grade Steel 高级钢
High-Quality Nickel Steel Tube 高级镍钢管
High-Quality Steel 高质量钢; 优质钢
High-Speed Steel 高速钢; 高速工具钢
High-Speed Steel Bit 高速钢车刀
High-Speed Steel Drill 高速钢钻头
High-Speed Steel End Mill 高速钢端铣刀
High-Speed Steel Geared Tap 高速钢磨牙丝锥
High-Speed Steel Ingot 高速钢锭
High-Speed Steel Lathe Tool 白钢车刀
High-Speed Steel Tool 高速钢刀具
High-Speed Tool Steel 高速工具钢; 高工钢
High-Strength Bevel Steel Washer 高强度斜垫圈
High-Strength Cast Steel 高速铸铁
High-Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强低合金钢
High-Strength Low-Allow Steel 高强度耐低温钢
High-Strength Plain Steel Washer 高强度平垫圈
High-Strength Quality Steel Wire 高强优质钢丝
High-Strength Steel 高强度钢
High-Strength Steel Electrode 高强度钢焊条
High-Strength Steel Washer 高强度垫圈
High-Sulfur Steel 高硫钢
High-Temper Steel 高温回火钢
High-Temperature Steel 耐高温钢
High-Tensile Steel 高强度钢; 高强钢
High-Tensile Steel Bar 高强度钢筋
High-Tensile Steel Bars 高强度粗钢筋
High-Tensile Steel Reinforcement Bar Fixture 高强钢筋夹具
High-Tensile Steel Wires 高强度钢丝
High-Tensile Structural Steel 高强度结构钢
High-Vanadium Steel 高矾钢; 高钒钢
High-Yield Strength Steel 高屈服点钢; 高屈服强度钢
Highyield Low-Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢
Hoe Steel 中耕机锄铲
Hole Steel Propeller 钢制空心螺旋桨
Hollow Drill Steel 中空钻探钢
Hollow Square Steel 空心方钢
Hollow Steel 空心钢; 中空钢
Hollow Steel Propeller 中空钢制螺旋桨
Hollow Steel Rim 空心轮辋
Hollow Steel Roller 空心钢辊
Hollow Steel Section 薄壁型钢
Hollow Steel Spoke Wheel 空心钢辐轮
Hollow-Drill Steel 空心钻杆
Homogeneous Steel 均质钢; 均质钢
Homogeneous Steel Plate 均质钢板; 均质钢板
Honda Steel 本多磁钢
Hoop Steel 箍钢带
Hot Die Steel 热锻模钢; 热作模具钢
Hot Work Tool Steel 热镀模具钢; 热锻模具钢
Hot-Die Steel 热变形模具钢; 高温模具钢
Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Wire 热镀锌钢丝
Hot-Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel 热浴镀锌薄板钢材
Hot-Rolled Mild Steel 热轧软钢
Hot-Rolled Sheet Steel 热轧钢板
Hot-Rolled Sillcon Steel Sheet 热轧硅钢板
Hot-Rolled Steel 热轧钢
Hot-Rolled Steel Bar 热轧钢筋
Hot-Rolled Steel Channel 热轧槽钢
Hot-Rolled Steel Joist 热轧钢龙骨
Hot-Rolled Steel Section 热轧型钢
Hot-Working Die Steel 热锻模钢
Hubbing Steel 冲模钢
Hull Steel 船用钢; 造船钢
Hy-Tuf Steel 海图夫低合金高强度钢
Hydra Steel 海德拉热模具钢
Hydraulic Steel Holder 液压持纤器
Hydraulic Steel Support 液压钢支架
Hynack Steel Plate 海纳克护膜耐蚀钢板
Hypereutectoid Steel 过共析钢; 超共析钢
Hypoeutectoid Steel 亚共析钢
Hysteresis Steel 磁滞钢
I-Section Steel Pile 工字型钢桩
I-Steel 工字形钢; 窄边工字钢
I-Steel Pile 工字型钢桩
Inclusion In Steel 钢内夹杂
Indented Steel Wire 齿纹钢丝
Industrial Steel Window 工业厂房钢窗
Ingot Steel 钢锭; 锭钢
Inland Steel (美国) 内陆钢铁公司
Instrument For Measuring Oxygen In Molten Steel 钢液定氧仪
Integral (Drill) Steel 整体钢钎
Integral Steel 整体钢钎
Integrated Iron And Steel Works 综合性钢铁厂
Intermediate Grade Steel 中级钢
Internal Fixation With Steel Plate 钢板内固定术
Invar Steel 殷钢
Iron And Steel Base 钢铁基地
Iron And Steel Casting 钢铁铸件
Iron And Steel Company 钢铁公司
Iron And Steel Industry 钢铁工业
Iron And Steel Manufacture 钢铁制造
Iron And Steel Material Shaped 钢铁型材
Iron And Steel Plant 钢铁厂
Iron And Steel Scrap 废钢铁
Iron And Steel Sheet And Plate 钢铁板材
Iron And Steel Sheet Piling 铁及钢板桩法凿井
Iron And Steel Wire 钢铁丝材
Iron And Steel Works 钢铁厂
Iron-And-Steel Furnace 黑色金属冶金炉
Irreversible Steel 不可逆钢
Joist Steel 梁钢
Joy Extensible Steel Band 乔伊可伸缩式钢带运输机
Jumper Steel 钻杆钢; 长凿钢
Jute-Covered Steel Pipe 包黄麻钢管
Killed Carbon Steel (KCS) 镇静碳钢
Killed Steel 镇静钢
Killed Steel (去氧钢) 脱氧钢
Krupp Austenite Steel 奥氏体铬镍合金钢
Krupp Triple Steel 克鲁普铬钼钒高速钢
L.P.N. Steel 低氮碱性底吹转炉钢
Lacquer-Coated Steel Sheet 涂漆薄钢板
Lead Bearing Steel 含铅钢
Lead Treated Steel 含铅易切削钢
Lead-Coated Steel Plate 镀铅钢板
Lead-Sheathed Steel-Taped 铅包钢带
Leaded Low-Phosphorus Steel 含铅低磷钢
Lean Alloy Steel 低合金钢
Ledloy Free Cutting Steel 加铅易切削钢
Light Channed Steel 轻型槽钢
Light Gauge Steel 轻量型钢
Light Weight Steel Shape 轻型钢材
Light-Gauge Steel Section 薄壁型钢
Light-Weight Angle Steel 轻型角钢
Lightgage Steel Joist 轻钢龙骨
Lightweight Steel Construction 轻钢结构
Lightweight Steel Shape 冷弯型钢
Lip Hat Section Steel 带缘帽型钢
Lip Z Steel 带缘Z型钢
Liquid Steel 钢水
Liquid-Compressed Steel 液态挤压钢; 加压凝固钢
Little Bessemer Steel 小型酸性转炉钢
Lock Bar Steel Pipe 箍锚钢管
Locking Steel Wire 锁紧钢丝
Long Steel Tape 钢卷尺
Long Steel Wire Saw 长钢丝锯
Long-Span Steel Framing 大跨钢构架
Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢
Low Alloy Steel High Side Wagon 低合金钢敞车
Low Alloy Steel Plate 低合金钢板
Low Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢
Low Alloyed Steel 低合金钢
Low Carbon Steel 低碳钢
Low Carbon Steel Electrode 低碳钢焊条
Low Carbon Steel Pipe 低碳钢管
Low Carbon Steel Welding Electrode 低碳钢电焊条
Low Hysteresis Steel 低磁滞钢; 低磁滞硅钢
Low Machinability Steel 难切削钢
Low Manganess Steel 低锰钢
Low Pressure Stainless Steel Hose 低压不锈钢软管
Low Steel 低碳钢
Low Steel Proportion 低含钢率
Low Temperature Steel Electrode 低温钢焊条
Low Tungsten High Speed Steel 低钨高速钢
Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel 低合金高强度钢
Low-Alloy High-Tensile Structural Steel 低合金高强度结构钢
Low-Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrode 低合金钢焊条
Low-Alloy Threading Steel 低合金螺纹钢
Low-Alloy Tool Steel 低合金工具钢
Low-Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 低角平底钢刨
Low-Carbon Cast Steel 低碳铸钢
Low-Carbon Steel 低碳钢
Low-Chrome Steel 低铬钢
Low-Ductility Steel 低塑性钢
Low-Expansion Steel 低膨胀钢
Low-Temperature (Low Temperature) Steel 低温钢
Lowalloy Structural Steel 低合金钢
Machine Steel 机件钢; 机器钢
Machinery Steel 机器钢
Magnaflux Steel 航空用高强度钢
Magnet Steel 磁钢
Magnetic Steel 磁钢; 磁性钢
Magnetic Steel Detector 钢筋磁性检测仪
Magnetically Soft Steel 软磁钢
Main Reinforcing Steel 主钢筋
Major-Orthotropic Steel-Plate Bridge 主正交各向异性钢板桥
Malleable Mild Steel 韧性低碳钢; 韧性软钢
Malleable Steel 展性钢; 软钢; 韧性钢
Man-Ten Steel 低合金高强度钢
Manganese Silicon Spring Steel 锰硅弹簧钢
Manganese Silicon Steel 锰硅钢
Manganese Silicon Tool Steel 锰硅工具钢
Manganese Spring Steel 锰弹簧钢
Manganese Steel 锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢
Manganese Tool Steel 锰工具钢
Manganese Vanadium Steel 锰钒钢
Manganese Vanadium Tool Steel 锰矾工具钢; 锰钒工具钢
Manufacture Of Iron And Steel By Melting 钢铁熔炼
Maraging Steel 马氏体时效钢
Marconi Steel Tape Recorder 马可尼磁带录音机
Martensite Steel 马登斯体钢; 马氏体钢
Martensitic Stain Less Steel 马氏体不锈钢
Martensitic Steel 马氏体钢
Martensitic Steel 马氏永磁体
Martin Steel 平炉钢; 马丁钢
Martinel Steel 马蒂内尔结构钢; 硅锰钢; 硅锰结构钢
Mattress Netting Steel Wire 钢丝床用钢丝
Measuring Case Depth For Steel 钢表层硬化深度测定法; 钢的表层硬化深度测定法
Mechanically Capped Steel 机械封顶钢
Medium Alloy Steel 中合金钢
Medium Carbon Steel 中碳钢
Medium Hard Steel 中等硬度钢; 中硬钢; 在硬钢
Medium Manganese Steel 中锰钢
Medium Steel (MS) 中碳钢
Medium Temper Steel 中等回火钢
Medium Width Steel Strip 中等宽度带钢
Medium-Hard Steel 中硬钢
Merchant Steel 商品钢; 商品条钢; 条钢
Mercury-In-Steel Thermometer 钢管水银温度计; 钢壳水银温度计
Mild Carbon Steel 低碳钢
Mild Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢
Mild Sheet Steel 软钢板
Mild Steel 软钢; 低碳钢
Mild Steel Arc Welding Electrode 低碳钢焊条
Mild Steel Channel 槽钢
Mild Steel Checkered Plate 花纹钢板
Mild Steel Equal Angle 等边角钢
Mild Steel Expanded Sheets 钢板网
Mild Steel Fire Box 软钢板火箱
Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts 六角螺丝梗
Mild Steel Hexagonal Bolts And Nuts 六角螺丝闩
Mild Steel I-Beam 低碳工字钢
Mild Steel Ingot 低碳钢锭
Mild Steel Plate 软钢板
Mild Steel Reinforcement (含钢量0.12--0.25%) 软钢钢筋
Mild Steel Shank 软钢手柄
Mild Steel Sheet 软钢皮
Mild Steel Welding Rod 低碳钢焊丝
Mild Steel Wire 低碳钢丝
Mild-Carbon Steel Strip 低碳带钢; 低碳钢带
Mild-Steel Domestic Boiler 软钢家用锅炉
Mild-Steel Sheet 低碳钢薄板
Mini Steel Plant 小型钢铁厂
Mishima Magnet Steel 铝镍强磁钢
Mold Steel 型模钢
Molten Steel 钢水; 钢液
Molybdenum High Speed Steel 钼高速钢
Molybdenum Steel 钼钢
Molybdenum-Chrome Steel 钼铬钢
Molybdenum-Vanadium Steel 钼钒钢
Monoblock Drill Steel 整体钎子
Moulded Steel 模铸钢
Mushet('S) Steel 马歇特钨钢
Natural Steel 天然钢; 初生硬度钢
Needle Steel 针状组织钢
Needle(D) Steel 加硼硬化亚共析钢
Neutral Steel 中性钢
Nichrome Steel 镍铬耐热钢
Nickel Alloy Steel 镍合金钢
Nickel Cast Steel 含镍铸钢
Nickel Chromium Manganese Steel 镍铬锰钢
Nickel Steel 镍钢
Nickel Steel Gas Welding Rod 镍钢气焊条
Nickel Steel Wire 镍钢线
Nickel-Chrome Alloy Steel 镍铬合金钢
Nickel-Chrome Steel 镍铬钢
Nickel-Chromium Steel 镍铬钢
Nickel-Clad Steel Plate 包镍钢板; 镀镍钢板
Nickel-Manganese Cast Steel 镍-锰铸钢; 镍锰铸钢
Nickel-Molybdenum Steel 镍钼钢
Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 镀镍低碳钢圆头机器螺丝
Nickel-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 镀镍低碳钢圆头木螺丝
Nickel-Plated Steel Self Tapping Screw 镀镍钢制自攻螺丝
Nickel-Plated Steel Wire 镀镍钢丝
Nickel-Vanadium Steel 镍-钒钢; 镍钒钢
Nickeled Steel Plate 镀镍钢板
Nitrated Steel 氮化钢
Nitrided Steel 渗氮钢
Nitriding Steel 氮化钢; 氮化钢
Non-Aging Steel 无时效钢
Non-Corrosive Steel 不锈钢
Non-Deforming Steel 不变形钢
Non-Expansion Steel 不膨胀钢
Non-Magnetic Steel 非磁性钢
Non-Oriented Electrical Steel 无取向电工钢
Non-Oriented Silicon Steel 无方向性硅钢片
Non-Oriented Silicon Steel Sheet 不定向硅钢板
Non-Piping Steel 无缩孔钢
Non-Rust Steel 不锈钢
Non-Scaling Steel 不起皮钢
Non-Shrinkage Steel 无变形钢
Non-Shrinking Steel 抗变形钢
Non-Sulfurized Carbon Steel 非硫化处理的碳钢
Non-Weldable Steel 不可焊接的钢
Nondeforming Tool Steel 不变形工具钢
Nonmagnetic Steel 无磁性钢
Normal Steel 正常钢; 正常结构钢
Normal Steel Casting 普通铸钢
Normalized And Tempered Steel 正火及回火钢
Normalized Steel 正火钢
Not Heat-Treated Steel Wire 非热处理的钢丝
Notch Ductile Steel 耐冲击钢
Oce Steel 无渗碳体钢
Octagon Steel Bar 八角钢条
Octagonal Bar Steel 八角型钢
Octagonal Steel 八角钢
Oil-Hardened Steel 油淬硬化钢
Oil-Hardening Steel 油淬钢
Oil-Operated Steel Support 液压金属支架
Oil-Quenching Steel 油淬火钢
Open Forging Steel 商用锻钢坯
Open Steel 沸腾钢
Open Steel Flooring 漏空钢板楼面; 露钢梁楼板
Open-Hearth Steel 平炉钢; 马丁钢
Open-Heated Steel 过热钢
Ordinary Steel 普通碳钢
Oriented Steel 各向异性钢片
Over-Reduced Steel 过还原钢
Overblown Steel 过吹钢
Oxidation Resistant Steel 抗氧化钢; 不锈钢
Oxygen Blown Steel 吹氧钢
Oxygen Converter Steel 顶吹氧转炉钢
Oxygen Furnace Steel 吹氧炼钢
Oxygen Jet Steel 吹氧炼钢法
Oxygen Steel 吹氧钢
Oxygen-Steel Process 氧化炼钢法; 氧气炼钢法
Patented Steel Wire 铅淬火钢丝
Pearlitic Heat Resistant Steel Electrode 珠光体耐热钢焊条
Pearlitic Steel 珠光体钢
Period Section Steel 周期断面钢材
Perished Steel 脆弱钢; 过渗碳钢
Permanent Magnet Steel 永磁钢
Permanent-Magnet Steel 永久磁钢
PH Stainless Steel 沉淀硬化不锈钢; 沉淀硬化型不锈钢
Phosphoretic Steel 磷钢
Pickled Sheet Steel 酸洗薄钢板
Pig Iron For Steel Making 炼钢生铁
Pinion Steel 齿轮钢
Pipe Steel 管钢
Plain Basic Steel 普通碱性钢
Plain Carbon Steel 普通碳钢
Plain Carbon Tool Steel 碳素工具钢
Plain End Steel Pipe 平端钢管
Plain Galvanized Steel Sheet 镀锌铁皮
Plain Steel 普通钢; 碳素钢
Plain Steel Rim 简单钢轮缘
Plain Steel-Bar 光面钢筋
Plastic Coating Technology For Steel Tube 钢管涂塑工艺
Plastic Covered Steel Cord 包塑钢线
Plastic Flow Of Steel 钢的塑流
Plastic-Lined Steel Pipe 塑料衬里钢管
Plastic-Steel Combination 塑料钢组合
Plastic-Steel Laminate 塑料钢层板
Plate Steel 厚钢板
Plate-Steel Case 钢板机壳
Plate-Steel Liner 钢板衬垫; 钢板衬砌
Plating On Steel 钢材涂层
Platinum Steel 白金钢
Play Up Steel Production 突出钢铁生产
Plough Steel Wire Rope 特号钢丝绳
Plow Steel 犁钢
Plow Steel Wire 铅淬火高强度钢丝
Plow Steel Wire Rope 铅淬火高强度钢丝绳
Plugged Steel 封顶钢; 加盖钢
Ply Steel 复合钢
Pneumatic Steel 气法炼钢; 喷气炼钢
Polyethylene Coated Steel Pipe 聚乙烯涂层钢管; 聚乙烯涂层钢管
Porous Stainless Steel 多孔不锈钢
Porous Steel Parts 多孔钢质零件
Pot Steel 坩埚钢
Pour Steel 浇注钢水
Powdered Alloy Steel 合金钢粉
Power Cable With Flat Steel Wire Armouring 扁钢丝铠装电力电缆
Forged Steel 锻钢
Precision Seamless Steel Tubes 精密无缝钢管
Pressed-Steel 压制钢
Pressed-Steel Boot 模压钢开沟器
Pressed-Steel Hook Chain 模压钢钩头链
Pressed-Steel Plate 压制钢板
Pressure-Casting Die Steel 压铸模具合金钢
Prestressed Concrete Steel Wire Strand 预应力混凝土结构用钢绞线
Primary Steel 通用钢
Pseudo-Steel 假钢
Puddle Steel 搅炼钢
Punched Steel Plate 穿孔钢板
Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel 弥散硬化不锈钢; 沉淀硬化不锈钢
Qualitative Carbon Steel 定性碳钢
Quarter Octagon Steel 四角方钢
Quartz-Steel Resonator 石英钢片谐振器
Purified Steel 精炼钢
Quench Allov Steel 淬硬合金钢
Quench Steel 淬钢
Quenched And Tempered Steel 调质钢
Quaternary Steel 四元合金钢
Quick-Cutting Steel 高速钢
Quiet Steel 软钢; 全脱氧钢; 全镇静钢
Rail And Structural Steel Mill 钢轨及钢梁轧机
Rail And-Structural Steel Mill 轨梁轧机
Rail Of Self-Hardening Steel 自淬硬钢钢轨
Rail Steel 钢轨钢; 轨钢
Railing Of Stainless Steel Tubes 不锈钢管栏杆
Rapid Steel 高速钢
Rapid Steel Tool 高速钢工具
Rapid Tool Steel 高速工具钢
Raw Steel 原钢; 粗钢
Quenched Steel 淬硬钢
File Steel Brush 钢丝刷
Rectangle Steel 矩形截面钢板; 矩形截面钢板
Rectangular Bar Of Steel 长方形钢
Red Hard Steel 红硬钢
Red Painted Steel Pipe 红油涂面钢管
Red-Hard Steel 热硬钢; 高速工具钢
Red-Short Steel 热脆钢
Flat Steel Heald 钢片综
Refined Steel 精炼钢
Flat Steel Lawn Rake 草地扁钢耙
Regular Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane 普通平底钢刨
Regular Soft-Center Steel 正心软心钢
Reinforcing Steel 钢筋
Reinforcing Steel Adjusting Cutter 钢筋调直切断机
Reinforcing Steel Area 钢筋截面积; 钢筋截面面积
Reinforcing Steel Crooking Machine 钢筋弯曲机
Reinforcing Steel Cutter 钢筋切断机
Reinforcing Steel Reinforcement 钢筋
Relaxation Of Steel 钢筋松弛
Rephosphorised Steel 回磷钢
Rerolled Steel 半成品钢
Rerolling Steel 半成品钢
Retractable Steel Joist 伸缩式钢梁; 可缩钢梁
Retractable Steel Rule 钢卷尺
Reversible Steel 双尖松土锄铲
Acid Electric Steel 酸性电炉钢
Ribbon Steel 窄带钢
Rich Chromium Ball Bearing Steel Wire 高铬轴承钢丝
Acid Open Hearth Steel 酸性平炉钢
Acid Open-Hearth Steel 酸性马丁炉钢
Acid Steel 酸性炉钢
Rimmed Steel Sheet 沸腾钢板
Rimming Steel 沸腾钢
Rising Steel 沸腾钢
Rivet Steel 铆钉钢
Riveted Steel 铆结钢
Riveted Steel Pipe 铆接钢管
Rock Drill Steel 凿岩钎钢
Rock-Drill Steel 钎子钢
Rolled Sheet Steel 辊压钢板
Rolled Steel 轧制的钢材; 轧制钢; 钢材
Rolled Steel Beam 辊压钢梁
Rolled Steel Channel 轧制的槽钢
Rolled Steel For General Structure 一般结构用轧制钢材
Rolled Steel For Welded Structure 焊接结构用轧制钢材
Rolled Steel Products 钢材
Rolled Steel Wire 盘条
Roller Bearing Steel 滚柱轴承钢
Roller Blind Of Steel 钢制滑轮百叶窗
Rotating Stainless Steel Cage (浸出用) 回转不锈钢笼
Round Steel 圆钢
Round Steel Bar 圆钢筋
Round Steel Fork 圆钢叉子
Round Steel Wire 圆钢丝
Round-Edged Steel Flat 圆边扁钢
Reacting Steel 再结晶钢
Razor Steel 剃刀钢; 刀片钢
Rubber Lined Steel Sheel 衬橡胶钢制壳体
Run Of Steel 钻杆长度
Rust-Proof Steel 不锈钢
Rust-Resisting Steel 不锈钢
Rustless Steel 不锈钢
Sandwich Steel 夹心钢
Saturated Steel 共析钢
Schedule Of Structural Steel 钢材一览表
Scorched Steel 粗晶钢; 柱状晶钢
Scrap Steel 废钢
Screw-Thread Steel 螺纹钢筋
Screwed Steel Conduit 螺头钢导管; 带螺纹的钢导线管
Seamless Steel Pipe 无缝钢管
Seamless Steel Tube 无缝钢管; 无缝套筒
Seamless Steel Tube For Drilling 钻探用无缝钢管
Seamless Steel Tubing 无缝套筒
Second Steel Sheet 精整薄钢板
Section Steel Rolling Mill 分类轧钢机
Sectionalized Steel Form 组合式金属模板
Selenium Stainless Steel 硒不锈钢
Selenium Steel 加硒钢
Self Hardening Steel 气硬钢
Self-Climbing Steel-Form 自升式钢模
Self-Hardening Steel 自硬钢; 自淬硬钢; 气冷硬化钢; 空冷淬硬钢; 空气硬化钢
Semi-Circular Sheet Steel Flume 半圆形钢板渡槽
Semi-Deoxidized Steel 半脱氧钢
Semi-Finished Steel 半制钢
Semi-Hard Steel 半硬钢
Semi-Stainless Steel 半不锈钢
Semi-Steel 钢性铸铁; 高级铸铁
Semi-Steel Casting 半钢性铸铁件
Semikilled Steel 半镇静钢
Semirimming Steel 半镇静钢
Semisoft Steel 半软钢
Shallow-Hardening Steel 低淬透性钢
Sharpened Steel 锐钢钎
Shear Steel 刀剪钢; 高速切削钢
Shear-Steel 刃钢; 剪钢; 剪切钢
Sheet Steel 薄钢板; 钢皮; 钢片; 钢片
Sheet Steel Enamel 钢片搪瓷
Sheet Steel Flume 钢板渡槽
Sheet Steel Form 钢模板
Sheet Steel Mill 薄钢板厂
Sheet Steel Pipe 薄钢管
Sheet Steel Rolling Mill 薄钢板压延机
Sheet Steel Straightening Unit 薄钢板矫平机
ShipS Steel Side Scuttle 钢质舷窗
ShipS Steel Weather Tight Door 船用钢质风雨密门
Shock Absorber Link Rod Pin Steel Bushing 减震器拉杆销钢套
Si-Steel 硅钢
Si-Steel Strip 硅钢带
Sichromal Steel 铝铬硅合金钢; 铬铝硅合金钢
Side-Blown Basic Bessemer Steel 侧吹碱性转炉钢
Siemens Steel 西门子平炉钢
Siemens-Martin Steel 平炉钢
Silco-Manganese Steel 硅锰钢
Silichrome Steel 硅铬钢
Silicium Steel 硅钢
Silico-Mangan Steel 硅锰钢
Silicon Chrome-Steel 硅铬钢
Silicon Steel 硅钢
Silicon-Chromium Steel 硅铬钢
Silicon-Steel Plate 硅钢片
Silicon-Steel Sheet 硅钢片
Silver Ply Steel 不锈覆盖钢
Silver Steel 银亮钢; 银器钢
Silver Steel Wire 银亮钢丝
Simple Steel 碳钢; 普通钢
Single Steel Intrauterine Device 金属单环
Single Steel Roller Cotton Stripper 单钢辊式摘棉铃机
Single-Skin Steel Dam 单层钢面板坝
Single-Slag Steel 单渣钢
Sintered Stainless-Steel 烧结不锈钢
Sintered Steel 烧结钢
Sintered-Carbon Steel 烧结碳钢
Skelp Steel 焊接管坯钢
Skhl Steel 镍铬铜低合金钢
Ski With Steel Ski Pole 带钢撑棍的滑雪板
Skillet Cast Steel 坩埚铸钢
Sleeper Steel Mould 轨枕钢模
Sliding Head Steel Bar Clamp 木工夹
Sliding Shears For Steel Band 钢带滑动剪刀
Small Self-Contained Iron And Steel Complex 配套的小型钢铁联合企业
Small Steel Shape 小型钢材
Smooth Steel Pipe 光面钢管
Soft Center Steel 软心钢
Soft Medium Carbon Steel 软中碳钢
Soft Medium Structural Steel 软中碳结构钢
Soft Steel 软钢; 低碳钢
Soft Steel Water-Jacket 软钢水套
Soft Surface Steel Hammer 软面钢锤
Soft-Center Steel 夹心钢
Soft-Center Steel Mo(U)Ldboard 软心钢犁壁
Solid Steel 镇静钢; 脱氧钢
Solid-Drawn Steel Pipe 无缝钢管
Space Frame Of Tubular Steel Sections 钢管空间构架
Special Alloy Steel 特殊合金钢; 特种合金钢
Special Cross-Section Steel Wire 特殊断面的钢丝
Special Rolled-Steel Bar 异形钢
Special Soft Steel 特软钢
Special Steel 特殊钢; 特种钢
Special Steel For Making Instruments 特殊仪表用钢
Special Steel Plate 特种钢板
Special Structural Steel 特种结构钢
Special Tool Steel 特殊工具钢; 特种工具钢
Special Treatment Steel 特殊处理钢
Spent Steel Pickle Liquor 钢酸洗废液
Spheroidized Steel 球化处理钢
Spiral Steel Pipe 螺旋钢管
Spiral Welded Steel Pipe 螺旋焊接钢管
Spiral Welding Steel Pipe 螺焊钢管
Spotty Steel 白点钢
Spring Steel 弹簧钢
Spring Steel Band 弹簧钢带
Spring Steel Wire 弹簧钢丝
Spring-Steel Floor Member 弹性钢底梁
Spring-Steel Holder 弹簧持钎器
Spring-Steel Roof Member 弹性钢顶梁
Spring-Steel Shutter 弹簧钢活门
Square Spring Steel 方弹簧钢
Square Steel 方钢
Square Steel Bar 方钢筋; 方钢条
Stabilized Steel (Sheet) 稳定化钢板
Stabilized Steel (经过加铝稳氮处理的低碳沸腾钢) 稳定化钢
Stabilized Steel Sheet 稳定处理钢板
Stainless Acid Resistant Steel 不锈耐酸钢
Stainless Acid-Resisting Steel Wire 不锈耐酸钢丝
Stainless Clad Steel 不锈复合钢
Stainless Compound Steel Plate 不锈复合钢板
Stainless Sheet Steel 不锈钢薄板
Stainless Steel 不锈钢
Stainless Steel Alcohol Stove 不锈钢酒精炉
Stainless Steel Alloy 不锈钢; 不锈钢合金
Stainless Steel Angle Rule 不锈钢拐尺
Stainless Steel Ball 不锈钢球
Stainless Steel Ball Valve 不锈钢球阀
Stainless Steel Band 不锈钢带
Stainless Steel Basin And Plate 不锈钢盘碟
Stainless Steel Blank 不锈钢种板
Stainless Steel Buckle 不锈钢扣
Stainless Steel Burden Drum 不锈钢配料桶
Stainless Steel Case 不锈钢壳
Stainless Steel Clasp 不锈钢丝卡环
Stainless Steel Cleaner 不锈钢清洗剂
Stainless Steel Cloth 不锈钢丝网
Stainless Steel Condenser 不锈钢冷凝器
Stainless Steel Condiment Pot 不锈钢调料罐
Stainless Steel Corrosion-Resistant Needle Valve 不锈钢防腐针型阀
Stainless Steel Crucible 不锈钢坩埚
Stainless Steel Disc 不锈钢盘
Stainless Steel Disc For Casting 铸造用不锈钢块
Stainless Steel Electrode 不锈钢焊条
Stainless Steel Enamel 不锈钢搪瓷
Stainless Steel Fertillizer Belt 不锈钢撒肥带
Stainless Steel Fibre 不锈钢纤维
Stainless Steel Filter 不锈钢过滤器
Stainless Steel Flag Hinge 不锈钢旗铰链
Stainless Steel Flexible Hose 不锈钢软管
Stainless Steel Grating 不锈钢滤栅
Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Vernier Calipers 不锈钢重型游标卡尺
Stainless Steel Helices 不锈钢填料
Stainless Steel Honeycomb Core 不锈钢蜂窝芯子
Stainless Steel Honeycomb Panel 不锈钢蜂窝板
Stainless Steel Inside Calipers 不锈钢内卡钳
Stainless Steel Kettle 不锈钢锅
Stainless Steel Kitchenware 不锈钢厨具
Stainless Steel Mineral Spring Pump 不锈钢矿泉水泵
Stainless Steel Mother Blank 不锈钢母板
Stainless Steel Net-Cover Of Axial Fan 不锈钢轴流风机网罩
Stainless Steel Nylon Hinge 不锈钢尼龙铰链
Stainless Steel Nylon Ring Square Hinge 不锈钢尼龙垫圈方铰链
Stainless Steel Outside Calipers 不锈钢外卡钳
Stainless Steel Palatal Bar Wire 不锈钢腭杆丝
Stainless Steel Paper Holder 不锈钢纸托
Stainless Steel Powder 不锈钢粉
Stainless Steel Products 不锈钢制品
Stainless Steel Pump 不锈钢泵
Stainless Steel Retainer Ring 不锈钢卡环
Stainless Steel Retort 不锈钢蒸馏罐
Stainless Steel Rule 不锈钢直尺
Stainless Steel Ruler 不锈钢板尺
Stainless Steel Screen 不锈钢屏; 不锈钢丝网
Stainless Steel Seamless Thin-Wall Tube 不锈钢薄壁无缝管
Stainless Steel Square 不锈钢直角尺
Stainless Steel Square Hinge 不锈钢方铰
Stainless Steel Submersible Pump 不锈钢潜水泵
Stainless Steel Tank Electric Water Heater 不锈钢储水内胆电热水器
Stainless Steel Telescopic Joint 不锈钢伸缩节
Stainless Steel Try Square 不锈钢矩尺
Stainless Steel Tube 不锈钢管
Stainless Steel Vacuum Pugmill 不锈钢真空炼泥机
Stainless Steel Valve 不锈钢阀
Stainless Steel Ware 不锈钢器皿
Stainless Steel Watch 不锈钢表
Stainless Steel Watch Band 不锈钢表带
Stainless Steel Watch Case 不锈钢表壳
Stainless Steel Watch Case Blank 不锈钢表壳粗坯
Stainless Steel Welding Electrode 不锈钢电焊条
Stainless Steel Wire 不锈钢丝
Stainless Steel Wire Cloth 不锈钢丝布
Stainless Steel Wire Contraceptive Ring 不锈钢丝节育环
Stainless Steel Wire Ligation 不锈钢丝结扎
Stainless Steel Wire Mesh 不锈钢金属网
Stainless Steel Wire Sieve 不锈钢丝筛网
Stainless Steel Wire Suture 不锈钢丝缝合线
Stainless Steel Wire Wrapped Screen 不锈钢钢丝绕制筛管
Stainless Steel Wrap Wire 不锈钢绕丝
Stainless-Clad Steel 不锈包层钢; 不锈钢钢包层金属
Stamping Steel Ribbon 密封条
Standard Steel 标准钢
Standard Steel Construction 标准钢结构
Standard Steel Ingot Mould 标准钢锭模
Standard Steel Section 标准型钢
Standard Steel Window Section 标准钢窗断面
Redshort Steel 热脆钢
Stanniol Steel Bimetal Sheet 高锡钢双金属板
Stationary Steel Bushing 固定钢套
Steel Accommodation Ladder 钢质舷梯
Steel Adhesive 钢铁粘合胶
Steel Alloy 钢合金; 合金钢
Steel Aluminium Trolley Wire 钢铝电车线
Steel Analyzer 钢含量分析仪
Steel Anchor 钢锚件
Steel And Aluminium Trolley Wire 钢铝电车线
Steel And Iron Slag Cement 钢渣水泥
Steel Angle 角钢
Steel Anvil 钢砧
Steel Arch 钢拱支架
Steel Arch-Gate 弧形钢闸门
Steel Area 钢筋截面面积; 钢筋面积
Steel Armoured 铠装; 铠装的; 包钢
Steel Back Brake Shoe 钢背闸瓦
Steel Backing 钢背
Steel Backing Plate 钢背板
Steel Baling Strap 打包铁皮
Steel Ball 钢球; 钢种
Steel Ball Coal Mill 钢球磨煤机
Steel Ball Indent 钢球痕
Steel Ball Lapping Machine 钢球研磨机
Steel Ball Polishing Machine 钢球抛光机
Steel Ball-Type Valve 钢珠活门
Steel Band 钢带; 钢箍带
Steel Band Butt Welder 钢带对焊机
Steel Band Knitting Machine 钢带提花圆型针织机
Steel Band Tape 钢卷尺
Steel Bar 钢棒; 钢材; 钢筋; 条钢
Steel Bar Bender 钢筋弯曲机
Steel Bar Shearing Machine 钢筋切断机
Steel Bar Straightening And Shearing Machine 钢筋拉直切断机
Steel Baseplate 钢座板
Steel Beaker 钢制烧杯
Steel Beam 钢梁
Steel Beam For Crane 吊车钢轨
Steel Beam Trammel 钢杆规
Steel Bed 钢床
Steel Belt 钢带; 传动钢带
Steel Belt Conveyor 钢丝绳芯胶带输送机
Steel Belt Lacing 钢带接头
Steel Belted Piston 钢带轻合金活塞
Steel Bender 钢筋弯具
Steel Bending Yard 钢筋工场
Steel Bloom 大钢坯
Steel Blue 钢青色
Steel Body 钢质车身
Steel Bomb 钢弹; 钢制反应釜
Steel Bond 铁粉结合剂
Steel Bond Hard Alloy 钢结硬质合金
Steel Bonded Carbide 钢结硬质合金
Steel Bonded Carbide Tool 钢结硬质合金工具
Steel Bottom Plate 钢底盘
Steel Bottom Rim 钢底箍
Steel Bowl 钢杯; 钢辊筒
Steel Box Pile 盒形钢桩
Steel Bracket 钢支架
Steel Bronze 钢青铜; 钢性青铜
Steel Brush 钢刷; 钢丝刷
Steel Bulkhead 钢板驳岸
Steel Bulkhead (钢管的) 钢闷头
Steel Bur 钢牙钻
Steel Burnisher 钢磨光器
Steel Bushing 钢套
Steel Button 钢钮
Steel Cable 钢缆; 钢丝绳; 钢丝索; 钢索
Steel Cable Baffle Ring 钢丝挡圈
Steel Cable Clamp 钢丝绳绳夹
Steel Cable Conveyor Belt 钢缆输送带
Steel Cable Hoist 钢丝绳式电动葫芦
Steel Cable Terminal 钢丝绳接头
Steel Cable Yarn 钢丝绳芯纱
Steel Cage 钢罩
Steel Caisson 钢沉箱
Steel Caisson Breakwater 钢沉箱防波堤
Steel Calender 钢丝压延机
Steel Can 钢罐
Steel Cap 钢顶梁
Steel Cap And Plastic Barrel 钢套塑杆
Steel Capacity 炼钢生产能力
Steel Capsule 钢包套
Steel Casement 钢窗; 钢窗框
Steel Casement Door 钢门
Steel Casement Window 钢窗
Steel Casting 钢铸件; 铸钢件
Steel Cell 钢壳电解槽
Steel Cellular Bulkhead 钢板格型岸壁
Steel Channel Beam 槽钢梁
Steel Channel Column 槽钢柱
Steel Chips 钢切屑
Steel Chisel 钢扁凿; 钢钎
Steel Clad 包钢的
Steel Clip 钢夹
Steel Coach Screw 钢制方头木螺钉
Steel Cofferdam 钢围堰
Steel Collar 钎肩
Steel Collector Bar 钢导电棒
Steel Column 钢柱
Steel Complex 钢铁联合企业
Steel Composing Stick 钢手托
Steel Composite Construction 劲性钢筋混凝土结构
Steel Concrete 钢筋混凝土
Steel Concrete Composite Girder 钢筋混凝土合成梁
Steel Concrete Sleeper 钢筋混凝土轨枕
Steel Conditioning 钢表面修整; 钢的表面修整
Steel Conduit 布线钢管
Steel Cone Concrete Column 钢心混凝土柱
Steel Construction 钢结构
Steel Conveyor Belt 钢质运输带
Steel Cooling Coil 钢制冷却蛇管
Steel Cord Conveyor Belt 钢丝绳输送带
Steel Cord For Tyre 轮胎细钢丝绳
Steel Cord Tyre 钢丝织轮胎
Steel Core 钢芯; 钢心
Steel Cotter Pin 钢扁销
Steel Crucible 钢坩埚
Steel Cup 钢杯
Steel Current Conducting Plate 导电钢板
Steel Cuttings 钢屑
Steel Cylinder 钢筒
Steel Cylinder (装氧气等气体的瓶) 钢瓶
Steel Cylindrical Column 钢管柱
Steel Dam 钢坝
Steel Deck 钢板层
Steel Deck Girder Dam 钢面板梁式坝
Steel Diaphragm 钢隔板; 钢膜片
Steel Diaphragm (坝内的) 钢心墙
Steel Die 钢模
Steel Disc 钢片
Steel Distributor 钢传墨辊
Steel Dog 钢索钩
Steel Door 钢门
Steel Door Frame 钢门框
Steel Double Bolt Pipe Clamp 钢制双螺栓管卡
Steel Dowel 插筋
Steel Drag 钢板路刮
Steel Drift 钢冲
Steel Drop 钢粒
Steel Drum 钢桶; 铁桶
Steel Dryer 钢制晾衣架
Steel Electrode 钢焊条
Steel Electrode For Low Temperature Service 低温钢焊条
Steel Emery 钢砂
Steel Engraver 钢版雕刻机
Steel Engraving 钢凹板; 钢雕
Steel Eraser 刮墨水字迹刮刀
Steel Erector 钢架装置机; 钢结构安装工
Steel Fabric Reinforcement 网状钢筋
Steel Facing 钢板护面; 钢棉面板; 钢面板; 表面钢化
Steel Feed 钢坯
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete 钢纤维混凝土
Steel Fibre 钢纤维
Steel File 钢锉
Steel File Cabinet 钢制卷宗柜
Steel Film Selection 钢带式选针
Steel Filter 钢板过滤器
Steel Finger 钢梭子
Steel Fitting For Windowdoor 钢门窗配件
Steel Fixer 钢筋定位器
Steel Flat 扁钢
Steel Foil 钢箔
Steel Folding Door 钢折页门
Steel Folding Rule 钢皮折尺; 钢折尺
Steel For Special Purposes 特殊用钢
Steel Forging 锻钢
Steel Forgings 钢锻品
Steel Fork 钢叉
Steel Fork Head 钢叉头
Steel Fork With Handle 带把钢叉
Steel Form 钢模板
Steel Foundry (Shop) 铸钢车间
Steel Frame 钢架; 钢框格
Steel Frame Dam 钢架坝
Steel Frame Mill Building 钢架厂房
Steel Frame Mill Plant 钢架厂房
Steel Frame Structure 钢框格
Steel Framed Building 钢框架房屋
Steel Framed Reinforced Concrete Column 钢骨钢筋混凝土柱
Steel Framework 钢构架
Steel Framing 钢框格
Steel Framing Plan 钢框架平面图
Steel Furniture 钢家具
Steel Girder 钢梁
Steel Grade 钢的等级; 钢的等级牌号; 钢号; 钢种
Steel Grade And Type 钢号及钢种
Steel Grade Character 钢级代号
Steel Grader 钢材分选装置
Steel Grating Floor 钢箅子地板
Steel Gray 青灰色; 铁青毛
Steel Grey 钢灰色
Steel Grid 钢筋网格; 格砖炉篦
Steel Grid Floor 钢格楼板
Steel Grillage Foundation 钢格排基础
Steel Grille 钢窗栅
Steel Grit 钢丸
Steel Guy Wire 钢拉线
Steel Hammer 钢锤
Steel Hanger 钢吊架
Steel Hardening Oil 钢材淬火油
Steel Heald 钢片综
Steel Helmet 钢盔
Steel Hoop 钢箍
Steel Hose 钢制软管
Steel I-Beam 工字钢梁
Steel I-Column 工字钢柱
Steel Impression Mark 钢印标记
Steel Industry 钢铁工业
Steel Ingot 钢锭
Steel Ingot Scale 钢锭秤
Steel Ink 钢材划线用墨
Steel Insert For Valve Seat 钢阀座圈
Steel Jack 矿用螺旋立柱; 闪锌矿
Steel Jacket 钢套; 钢质导管架
Steel Jacket Platform (近海建筑物用) 钢套管架平台
Steel Joist 钢龙骨
Steel Key 钢键
Steel Knife-Edge 钢质刀口
Steel L-Plate 铁三角
Steel Ladder 钢梯
Steel Ladle 钢水包
Steel Lagging 钢挡板; 钢套
Steel Lathing 钢丝网; 抹灰用钢丝网
Steel Lattice Structure 钢格构结构
Steel Lattice Truss 钢格构桁架
Steel Latticework 钢格构
Steel Letters 钢字
Steel Line Drawer 钢线拉线机
Steel Linear 钢覆面
Steel Lined 衬钢的
Steel Liner 钢衬
Steel Lining 钢板衬砌; 钢衬; 钢内衬; 金属支护
Steel Link Chain 钢链条
Steel Link Conveyer 钢制链板式输送机
Steel Link Harrow 链耙
Steel Lintel 钢过梁
Steel Loop 钢环
Steel Magnet 磁钢
Steel Manufacture 钢铁工业
Steel Mark 钢标号; 钢的标号
Steel Marking System 钢的标号制
Steel Mast 钢桅杆
Steel Measuring Tape 钢卷尺; 钢卷尺
Steel Member 钢构件
Steel Membrane 钢膜
Steel Mesh 钢丝网; 钢网
Steel Mesh Reinforcement 网状钢筋
Steel Mesh Silo 钢丝网制青贮筒
Steel Metallurgy 钢冶炼学
Steel Mill 钢铁厂; 轧钢厂
Steel Mirror 钢镜
Steel Mo(U)Lder's Paint 铸钢涂料
Steel Mortar 钢研钵
Steel Motor Lifeboat 钢质机动救生艇
Steel Mould 钢锭模; 钢模
Steel Mould For Electric Pole 电杆钢模
Steel Moulding Plate 钢模板
Steel Movable Form 钢滑动模板
Steel Nail 钢钉
Steel Pad 钢安全臼
Steel Panel 钢护板
Steel Pattern Number 钢型号
Steel Perforating Rule 打孔用钢尺
Steel Pick 钢镐
Steel Pick Head 镐头
Steel Pickling Operation 钢酸洗作业
Steel Pickling Waste Liquid 钢酸洗废液
Steel Picks And Mattock 钢镐
Steel Pig 炼钢生铁
Steel Pile 钢桩
Steel Pile Type Dolphin 钢桩系船墩
Steel Pipe 钢管
Steel Pipe Clamp 钢制管卡
Steel Pipe Column 钢管柱
Steel Pipe Flange 钢管法兰
Steel Pipe Handrailing 钢管扶手
Steel Pipe Railing 钢管栏杆
Steel Pipe Scaffold 钢管脚手架
Steel Pipe Support 钢管支柱
Steel Piping 钢管
Steel Pit 凹坑
Steel Plain Splice 钢板平面拼接
Steel Plane 钢刨
Steel Plant 钢铁厂
Steel Plate 钢板
Steel Plate Door 钢板门
Steel Plate Flange 钢板法兰
Steel Plate For Fixation Of Fracture 接骨板
Steel Plate Girder 钢板梁
Steel Plate Lining 钢板衬层
Steel Plate Radiator 钢制板式散热器
Steel Plate Square Washer 方形钢垫板
Steel Plate Stamping 钢板冲件
Steel Plate Thickness Meter 钢板测厚仪
Steel Plated 包钢板
Steel Plates For Boiler And Pressure Vessels 锅炉和压力容器用钢板
Steel Plates For Low Temperature Service 低温用钢板
Steel Plating 镀钢的
Steel Pole 钢杆
Steel Production 炼钢
Steel Products 钢材
Steel Profile 钢材剖面
Steel Prop 钢支柱
Steel Protractor 钢制分度器
Steel Puller 钻杆提取器
Steel Purlin 钢檩
Steel Rabble 钢渣棒
Steel Rail 钢轨
Steel Ratio 钢筋百分比; 钢筋百分率
Steel Reactor 钢制反应釜
Steel Reinforced Aluminium Wire 钢芯铝线
Steel Reinforcement 钢筋
Steel Reinforcement Bar Delivering Roller 钢筋输送辊
Steel Reinforcement Bar Feeder 钢筋送料机
Steel Reinforcement Bar Pre-Drawn Platform 钢筋预拉台
Steel Reinforcement Cage 钢筋笼
Steel Reinforcement Laying Machine 钢筋敷设机
Steel Reinforcing Rod 钢筋棍
Steel Relaxation 钢筋的松弛
Steel Retort 钢蒸馏罐
Steel Ribbed Floor 肋形钢楼盖
Steel Ribbon 钢条
Steel Rider 钢辊
Steel Rim 钢轮辋
Steel Ring 钢环; 钢圈
Steel Ring Set 钢圈支架
Steel Rivet 钢铆钉
Steel Rod 钢棍; 钢拉杆; 钢条
Steel Roll 钢轧辊
Steel Roller 钢辊; 钢轮压路机
Steel Rolling 钢材轧制; 轧钢
Steel Roof Truss 钢屋架
Steel Rope 钢索
Steel Rule 钢尺
Steel Rung 钢踏棍
Steel Sand Drilling 钢砂钻进
Steel Sash 钢窗; 钢框格
Steel Saw 钢锯
Steel Scale 钢尺
Steel Scoria 钢渣
Steel Scrap 钢屑; 废钢
Steel Scraper 刮钢尺
Steel Screen 钢板网
Steel Sets 矿用钢支架
Steel Shank 钎子尾
Steel Sharpening 锻钎
Steel Sheath 钢皮
Steel Sheathing 钢棉面板; 钢面板
Steel Sheel 钢壳体
Steel Sheet Disk Wheel 钢板盘轮
Steel Sheet Pile 钢板桩
Steel Sheet Pile Breakwater 钢板桩防波堤
Steel Sheet Pile Bulkhead 钢板桩驳岸; 钢板桩护岸
Steel Sheet Pile Cellular Cofferdam 钢板桩格型围堰
Steel Sheet Pile Earth Cofferdam 钢板桩填土围堰
Steel Sheet Pile Quaywall 钢板桩岸壁; 钢板桩码头
Steel Sheet Pile Wharf 钢板桩码头
Steel Sheet Piling 钢板桩; 钢板桩
Steel Sheet Piling Cutoff 钢板桩截水墙
Steel Sheet Piling Type Dolphin 钢板桩式系船墩
Steel Sheet Shears 钢皮剪刀
Steel Sheet Straightener 钢板校直机
Steel Sheet-Pile Wall 钢板桩墙
Steel Shell 钢壳; 钢制炉体
Steel Shelled Box Type Load Switch 钢壳负荷开关
Steel Shield 钢盾; 防护钢壳
Steel Shoe 钢挡板; 钢桩靴
Steel Shot 钢粒; 钢丸
Steel Shot Abrasive 钢砂磨粒
Steel Shot Boring 钢珠钻探
Steel Shot Drilling 钢砂钻井; 钢珠钻孔; 钢珠钻探
Steel Shotcrete 钢支撑
Steel Shovel 钢铲; 钢锹
Steel Skeleton 钢骨架
Steel Skeleton Building 钢骨架房屋; 钢骨架建筑
Steel Skeleton Compact 钢骨架坯块
Steel Skeleton Construction 钢骨架构造
Steel Slab 钢锭
Steel Slab Bridge 钢板桥
Steel Slag 钢渣
Steel Sleeper 钢枕; 钢枕木
Steel Sleeve 钢衬垫; 钢套管
Steel Slip Gauge 钢制块规
Steel Snare Wire 鼻息肉绞断钢丝
Steel Socket 钢套节
Steel Sorter 钢鉴别仪
Steel Space Frame Structure 钢空间框架结构
Steel Spade 钢锹
Steel Specification 钢号
Steel Spirit Level 钢水平尺
Steel Spoke Wheel 钢制辐轮
Steel Spout 出钢槽
Steel Sprial Spring 钢螺簧
Steel Spring 钢簧
Steel Spring Plate 弹簧钢板
Steel Spring Undercarriage 钢簧起落架
Steel Square 钢角尺; 钢曲尺; 直角钢; 直角钢尺
Steel Stack 钢通风管; 钢烟囱; 钢制烟囱
Steel Stair 钢楼梯
Steel Strand 钢绞线
Steel Strand Rope 钢索
Steel Stranded Wire 钢绞线
Steel Strap 钢片
Steel Strapping Equipment 钢带捆轧机
Steel String 钢绳弦线
Steel String Stair 钢梁楼梯
Steel Strip 钢带
Steel Strip Die 钢带模
Steel Structural Derrick 钢结构钻塔
Steel Structure 钢结构
Steel Structure Design 钢结构设计
Steel Structure Work 钢结构工程
Steel Strut 钢支柱
Steel Stud 钢立筋
Steel Sub-Tread 钢踏步底板
Steel Superstructure 上部钢结构
Steel Support 钢圈支架; 金属支架
Steel Support Structure 钢支撑结构
Steel Supporting Stock Column 钢支柱料柱
Steel Swarf-Removing Tool 断屑刀片
Steel Tank 钢槽; 钢罐; 金属结构罐
Steel Tape 钢合尺; 钢卷尺
Steel Tape Web Divider 钢带毛网分条器
Steel Tendon 钢丝束
Steel Test Piece 钢材取样块
Steel Thimble 钢套管
Steel Thread 钢丝
Steel Tie Beam 钢拉梁
Steel Tie Rod 钢拉杆
Steel Timber 金属支架
Steel Tool Box 钢壳工具箱
Steel Tooth 钢齿
Steel Tooth Bit 钢齿牙轮钻头
Steel Tower 钢塔; 铁架; 铁塔
Steel Trap 捕兽夹
Steel Traveler 钢丝圈
Steel Trestle 钢栈桥
Steel Trowel 钢抹子; 钢镘; 钢镘刀
Steel Troweling 钢抹镘光
Steel Truss 钢桁架
Steel Tube 钢管
Steel Tube Armour 钢管铠装
Steel Tube For Fired Heater 加热炉用钢管
Steel Tubes For Heat Transfer 热传导用钢管
Steel Tubing 钢管
Steel Tubular Handrailing 钢管扶手
Steel Tunnel Support 隧道钢支护
Steel Type 钢材型号
Steel Tyre 钢轮箍
Steel Upright 钢支柱
Steel Vessel 钢制容器
Steel Washer 钢垫圈
Steel Wedge 钢楔
Steel Weir 钢堰
Steel Wheel 钢轮
Steel Window 钢窗
Steel Window Frame & Accessory 钢窗框及配件
Steel Window Section 钢窗料
Steel Wire 钢丝; 钢线
Steel Wire Armored Cable 钢丝铠装电缆
Steel Wire Armour 钢线铠装
Steel Wire Armoured 钢丝铠装的
Steel Wire Armoured Air Rubber Hose 钢丝编织空气胶管
Steel Wire Armoured Cable 钢线铠装电缆
Steel Wire Armoured High Pressure Rubber Hose 钢丝编织高压胶管
Steel Wire Armoured Water Rubber Hose 钢丝缠绕排水胶管
Steel Wire Braid 钢丝编织层
Steel Wire Braided High Pressure Hose 钢丝编织高压管
Steel Wire Brush 钢丝刷
Steel Wire Clamp 钢丝绳卡头
Steel Wire Cloth 铁砂布
Steel Wire Cutter 钢丝刀
Steel Wire Cutter One Step Quick Forming 钢丝刀一次快速成形法
Steel Wire Embedded Water Suction Rubber Hose 埋线工业吸水胶管
Steel Wire For Aural Polyp Snare 耳息肉绞断器用钢丝
Steel Wire For Welding Electrode 焊条钢丝
Steel Wire Gauge 钢丝线规; 钢线规
Steel Wire Gauze 钢丝网
Steel Wire Heald 钢丝综
Steel Wire Lashing 钢丝绑扎
Steel Wire Mesh 钢丝网
Steel Wire Netting 钢丝网
Steel Wire Of High Tensile Strength 高强钢丝
Steel Wire Packer 钢丝打包机
Steel Wire Reinforced Belt 钢丝芯加固橡胶带
Steel Wire Ring Wheel 钢丝圈刷轮
Steel Wire Rope 钢丝绳; 钢丝索
Steel Wire Rope Clip 钢丝绳卡头
Steel Wire Rope Graphite-Base Grease 钢丝绳石墨润滑油
Steel Wire Rope Stranding-Bundling Machine 钢丝绳绞束机
Steel Wire Rope With Thimble 带线环钢丝绳
Steel Wire Rotary Brush 钢丝轮刷
Steel Wire Strand 多股钢丝; 多股钢线
Steel Wire Stylet 钢丝针芯
Steel Wire Tube Brush 钢丝管刷
Steel Wire Wheel Brush 钢丝轮刷
Steel Wires 钢绞线
Steel Wiring Reinforced Brick Wall 钢丝网加劲砖墙
Steel Wool 钢棉; 钢丝棉; 钢丝绒; 铁绒
Steel Wool Filter 钢丝绒滤油器
Steel Work 钢制件
Steel Works 钢厂; 钢铁厂
Steel Works Equipment 钢厂设备
Steel Yoke End 钢叉
Steel-Alkaline Battery 碱性镍铁蓄电池
Steel-Aluminium Conductor 钢铝线
Steel-Backed 钢背的
Steel-Backed Bearing 钢背轴承
Steel-Backed Bearing Alloy 钢背轴承合金
Steel-Backed Bearing Metal 钢背轴承合金
Steel-Backed Bronze-Faced Washer 钢背铜面垫圈
Steel-Band Conveyer 钢带输送机; 钢带运输机
Steel-Based Plate 钢基印版
Steel-Bonded Carbide Products 钢结硬质合金产品
Steel-Cable Conveyor Belt 钢索输送机皮带
Steel-Cage Construction 钢骨架构造
Steel-Cast 钢铸的; 铸钢的
Steel-Casting Foundry 铸钢厂; 铸钢车间
Steel-Clad 钢片衬; 铁甲; 包钢
Steel-Clad Brick 铁皮砖; 钢皮砖
Steel-Clad Rope 钢甲绳
Steel-Clad Switchbox 铠装开关箱
Steel-Concrete Composite Girder 钢材混凝土组合梁
Steel-Cord Conveyor Belt 钢丝绳运输带
Steel-Cored 钢芯的
Steel-Cored Aluminium Cable 钢芯铝线
Steel-Cored Aluminium Strand Wire 钢芯铝绞线
Steel-Cored Aluminium Wire 钢芯铝线
Steel-Cored Aluminum Strand 钢芯铝绞线
Steel-Cored Copper Conductor 钢芯铜线
Steel-Cored Copper Wire 钢芯铜线
Steel-Cored Wire Rope 钢芯钢丝绳
Steel-Die Engraving Press 钢凹版印刷机
Steel-Encased Beam 劲性钢筋混凝土梁
Steel-Frame Construction 钢架结构; 钢框架结构
Steel-Frame Structure 钢架结构
Steel-Framed Woodlined Silo 钢架木衬青贮塔
Steel-Hide Picker 钢合皮皮结
Steel-Lattice Rigid Frame 钢格构刚架
Steel-Lined 衬钢的
Steel-Lined Concrete Pipe 钢板衬砌混凝土管
Steel-Mesh Lagging 钢丝网衬板
Steel-Pan Wheelbarrow 钢斗手推车
Steel-Pipe Construction 钢管结构
Steel-Pipe Furniture 钢管家具
Steel-Pipe Pile 钢管桩
Steel-Pipe Space Frame 钢管空间构架
Steel-Plate Paper 钢版雕刻用纸
Steel-Ring Burr Cylinder 钢环除杂锡林
Steel-Rope Drive 钢索传动
Steel-Rope Guide 钢丝绳罐道
Steel-Rope Tracting Belt Conveyer 钢绳牵引带式输送机
Steel-Seal Type Cell 铁皮封闭式电池
Steel-Shelled Concrete Pile 钢壳混凝土桩
Steel-Shod 装有钢靴的; 底部包钢皮
Steel-Smelting 炼钢
Steel-Smelting Furnace 炼钢炉
Steel-Studded Tyre 钢叠层轮胎
Steel-Tank Mercury-Arc Rectifier 铁壳汞弧整流器
Steel-Tank Rectifier 钢壳汞弧整流器
Steel-Tape Armouring 钢带铠装
Steel-Tape Recorder 钢带录音机
Steel-Tape Sheath 钢带外皮
Steel-Tapping Hole 出钢口
Steel-Tired Wheel 钢圈轮
Steel-Troweled Concrete 钢镘抹面混凝土
Steel-Tube Seat 钢管座
Steel-Welding Fittings 钢焊接管件
Steel-Wheel Roller 钢轮压路机
Steel-Wheeled Tractor 钢轮拖拉机
Steel-Wire Inducer 钢丝导引器
Steel-Wire Napper 钢丝起毛机
Steel-Wire Rope Type Electric Block 钢丝绳电动葫芦
Steel-Wire Screen 钢丝筛网
Steel-Wire Sheath 钢丝外皮
Steel-Wood Furniture 钢木家具
Steering Wheel Steel Core 转向盘钢架芯
Straight Steel Ruler 钢直尺
Straight Steel Wire Cup Wheel 直钢丝杯形刷轮
Straight Steel Wire Wheel 直钢丝刷轮
Straight-Chromium Stainless Steel 铬不锈钢
Strain-Aged Steel 应变时效钢
Strain-Hardening Steel 应变硬化钢
Stranded Galvanized Steel Wire 镀锌钢绞线
Strap Steel 带钢
Strip Steel 带钢
Strip Steel Rolled Stock 带材
Strong Steel 强力钢; 高强度钢
Structural Alloy Steel 结构合金钢; 结构用合金钢; 合金结构钢
Structural Carbon Steel 结构碳钢
Structural Steel 结构钢; 钢架
Structural Steel Design 钢结构设计
Structural Steel Plate 结构用钢板
Substitute High Speed Steel 代用高速钢
Sulfur Bearing Steel 含硫钢
Sulphur Free-Cutting Steel 含硫易切削钢
Sulphur Steel 高硫钢
Sun Steel 聚氯乙烯薄膜色层压花钢板; 聚氯乙烯薄膜色层压花钢板
Super Alloy Steel 超级耐热合金钢
Super-Non-Expansion Steel 超级不膨胀钢
Super-Steel 超级钢
Super-Strength Steel 超高强度钢
Supercarbon Steel 超碳钢
Superheated Molten Steel 过热钢液
Superhigh Speed Steel 超高速钢
Superhigh Steel 超高速钢
Supporting Angle Steel 支承角钢
Supporting Steel Plate 支承钢板
Surface Hardening Steel 低淬透性钢
Surface-Hardened Steel 表面硬化钢
Switch Steel Section 道岔钢材
Synthetic Steel 合成钢
T-Bulb Steel 圆形丁字钢
Taking Steel As The Key Link 以钢为纲
Tapping Of Molten Steel 出钢
Tee Steel 丁字钢
Temperature Steel 温度钢筋
Temperature Steel (混凝土的) 温度筋
Tempered Forged Steel 回火锻钢
Tempered Steel 回火钢
Ten Million Ton Iron And Steel Complex 千万吨级钢铁基地
Ternary Steel 三元钢
Thermit Steel 铝热焊钢粉
Thick Steel Plate 厚钢板
Thick Walled Cylinder By Seamless Steel Pipe 无疑钢管式厚壁圆筒
Thick-Wall Steel Cassete 厚壁钢制防爆盒
Thickness Tolerance Of Steel Plate Of Pipe 钢板或钢管厚度负偏差
Thin Steel Plate 薄钢板
Thin-Wall Steel Tube 薄壁钢管; 薄钢管
Thomas Steel 碱性转炉钢
Thread Steel Nail 螺纹钢钉
Three-Pin Steel Lattice Rigid Frame 三铰钢格构刚架
Timken Steel 蒂姆肯镍铬钼耐热钢
Tin-Coated Steel 镀锡钢
Tinned Stainless-Steel Wire 镀锡不锈钢丝
Tinned Steel Sheet 镀锡薄钢板
Tire Steel 轮箍钢
Tisco Manganese Steel 锰钢
Tisco Mn Steel 蒂斯科耐磨锰钢
Tisco Steel 蒂斯科耐磨镍锰钢; 高锰镍耐磨钢
Tisco Timang Steel 锰镍耐磨钢
Tool Steel 工具钢
Top Steel Feed Roll 上传送钢辊
Tough Alloy Steel 韧合金钢; 韧性合金钢
Tough Steel 韧性钢
Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 变压器硅钢片; 变压器矽钢片
Transformer Steel 变压器钢
Trapezoidal Steel Box Girder 梯形的箱形钢梁
Treated Steel 加特种元素钢
Tribology In Iron And Steel Works 钢铁加工摩擦学
True Steel 共析钢
Trussed Steel Joist 桁式钢质栏栅
Tubular Steel Derrick 钢管井架
Tubular Steel Folding Chair 钢管折椅
Tubular Steel Grid Dome 钢管网格穹隆
Tubular Steel Prop 钢管支柱
Tubular Steel Scaffolding 钢管脚手架
Tubular Steel Table 钢管桌
Tungsten Carbide Drill Steel 碳化钨硬质合金钢钎
Tungsten Chrome Steel 钨铬钢
Tungsten Steel 钨钢
Tungsten-Chromium Steel 钨铬钢
Tungsten-Chromium Tool Steel 钨铬工具钢
Twisted Steel 螺纹钢筋
Two-Man Steel Shelter 双人钢架掩蔽部
Type Of Steel 钢种
Tyre Steel 轮箍钢
U-Steel 槽钢
Ultra-High Strength Steel 超高强度钢
Ultra-Low-Carbon Steel 超低碳钢
Ultrafort Steel 超强钢; 超强强钢
Ultrahard High Speed Steel End Mill 超硬高速钢立铣刀
Ultralow Carbon Stainless Steel 超低碳不锈钢
Ultrastrength Steel 超高强度钢
Unalloy Steel Plate 非合金钢板
Ungalvanized Iron And Steel 未镀锌钢铁
Ungalvanized Steel Plate 未镀锌钢板
Universal Steel Plate 通用钢板; 万能钢板
Unkilled Steel 不完全脱氧钢
Unpainted Steel 无覆层钢
Unshrinkable Steel 不收缩钢
Unskilled Steel 沸腾钢
Untipped Steel Bit 不镶刃的钢钻头
Vacuum Steel 真空钢
Vacuum-Treated Steel 真空处理钢
Valve Steel 气门用钢材; 阀门钢
Vanadium Stainless Steel 钒不锈钢
Vanadium Steel 钒钢
Vibratory Steel Roller 震动钢路磙
Vinyl Covered Steel Plate 涂氯乙烯钢板
Vinyl-Coated Steel 聚氯乙烯复合钢板; 聚氯乙烯复合钢板
Virgin Steel 精炼钢
Warm Cutting Production Line For Bar Steel 棒钢温剪生产线
Wastewater Of Steel Industry 钢铁工业废水
Water-Hardened Steel 水淬钢
Wear Resisting Steel 耐磨钢
Wear-Resistant Steel 耐磨钢
Wear-Resisting Alloy Steel 耐磨合金钢
Weighing Machine For Iron And Steel Materials 钢材秤
Weldable Steel 可焊钢; 焊接钢
Welded Steel 焊接钢
Welded Steel Fabric 焊接钢筋网
Welded Steel Fences 钢材焊接围栏
Welded Steel Pipe 焊接钢管
Welded Steel Space Frame 钢焊接空间框架
Welded Steel Tank 金属焊接油罐
Welded Steel Tube 焊接钢管
Welded Structural Steel 焊接结构钢
Welded-Steel Plate Construction 钢板焊接结构
Welding Steel Tube 焊接钢管
Weldless (Seamless) Steel Pipe (Tube) 无焊缝钢管
Wheel Steel 车轮钢
Wide Flange Steel Section 宽翼工字钢
Wide Flat Steel 宽带钢
Wild Steel 强烈沸腾钢; 冒涨钢
Wire-Steel 钢丝
Wolfram Steel 钨钢
Wood-And-Steel Composite Truss 钢木屋架
Wooden And Steel Furniture 钢木家具
Work-Hardened Steel 加工硬化钢
Woven Steel Fabric 编织钢丝网
Wrought Stainless Steel Wire 不锈钢丝
Wrought Steel 锻钢; 焊接钢; 搅炼钢
Wrought Steel Pipe 锻钢管
Wrought Tool Steel 锻造工具钢
Yield Of Steel 钢的屈服点
Yield Point Of Steel Bar 钢筋屈服点
Yielding Steel Arch 让压性金属支架
Yielding Steel Prop 让压可缩性钢支柱
Zero Carbon Steel 低碳薄钢板
Zinc Coated Steel 镀锌钢板
Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet 镀锌薄钢板
Zirconium Steel 锆钢
Steel 钢; 钢制; 钢制的
Rigid Steel 硬钢
Refractory Steel 耐热钢; 热强钢
Rib Steel 肋钢
Rigid Steel Conduit 硬钢管
Rimmed Steel 沸腾钢
Rubber Hose Braided With Steel Wire 钢编胶管
Rubber Lined Steel Pipe 衬胶钢管
Acid-Resistant Steel 耐酸钢
Acid-Resisting Steel 耐酸钢
Adamant Steel 特硬钢
Age Hardening Stainless Steel 时效硬化不锈钢
Aging Steel 时效钢
Air Cooled Steel 气冷钢
Air Refined Steel 富氧底吹转炉钢
Air-Hardening Steel 气冷硬化钢; 空气硬化钢
Aircraft Quality Steel 飞机用优质钢
Alkali Proof Steel 耐碱钢
All-Steel 全钢
All-Steel Cord 钢丝帘线
All-Steel Threshing Machine 钢制脱粒机
Alloy Cast Steel 合金铸钢
Alloy Constructional Steel 合金结构钢
Alloy Rail Steel 合金钢轨钢
Alloy Steel Casting 合金钢铸件
Alloy Steel Gas Welding Rod 合金钢气焊条
Alloy Steel Powder 合金钢粉末
Alloy Tool Steel 合金工具钢
Alloy Tool Steel Bit 合金工具钢车刀
Alloy Treated Steel 处理过的合金钢
Alloy-Steel Blade 合金钢刀片
Alloy-Steel Cutter 合金钢刀具
Alloy-Steel Pipe 合金钢管
Alloy-Steel Pipe Clamp 合金钢制管卡
Alloy-Steel Plate 合金钢板
Alloy-Steel Sheet 合金钢片
Alloy-Steel Strip 合金钢带
Alloy-Steel Tube 合金钢管
Alloy-Steel Wire 合金钢丝
Alloyed Steel 合金钢
Alloyed Steel Bit 合金钢车刀
Alloyed Steel Roll 合金钢轧辊
Alloyed Steel Strip 合金钢带
Alloyed Tool Steel 合金工具钢
Alto Steel 加铝镇静钢
Alumetized Steel 涂铝钢; 渗铝钢
Alumin(I)Um Steel 铝钢
Aluminium Cable Steel Reinforced 钢芯铝电缆; 钢芯铝绞线; 钢芯增强铝线
Aluminium Chrome Steel 铝铬钢
Aluminium Coated Steel 镀铝钢
Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced 钢芯铝绞线
Aluminium Plated Steel Wire 镀铝钢丝
Aluminium Steel Cable 钢芯铝电缆
Aluminium-coaled Steel 包铝钢
Aluminium-plated Steel 镀铝钢; 包铝钢


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