
2010/9/2 13:38:52| 分类: eesy 模

The challenge of Cold Forging design and
how eesy products can support the design engineer.
冷锻设计的挑战和eesy 模拟产品如何支持设计工程师!
State of the art:
Cold forging process design is still highly based on empirical rules and experience.
The challenge for the engineer is to find the right progression – if possible from the start of a project. Normally he will refer to other parts he designed in the past or to available design drawings of similar parts and tries to find a progression that will work.
Based on this he has to design the tooling. Again he will refer to available drawings of other designs and will try to modify for his purpose. He may ask tool makers as well to consult him.
After waiting for the first set of tooling he will go on the machine for first testing. Normally the part will not look as wished by him. In the worst case it will not work out at all.
最后, 在第一组模具做好之后他们开始到机器上试样。遗憾的是通常打造出来的产品并不是他们最想要的。有时甚至和他们的目标相差很远.
Cracking in the part (screw)               Separation of material (cup)
如:裂痕(螺丝)                                  材料分离(杯部)
Now a phase of testing and adjusting – or even re-designing – is entered. At the end after a long period of testing and changing the part can be produce or the engineer has to give up finally.
Punch failure (nut)                     Punch failure (retainer)
如:上模失败(螺帽)                       上模失败(弹簧座)
Die failure (bolt)                Die failure (screw) 
如:下模失败(螺栓)               下模失败(螺丝)
Even in case of success he is not sure to have found the best way to make the part. So then during industrial production optimization may take place. But this is difficult because new testing conflicts with production requirements.  
So at the end the engineer is normally happy if he has supplied a progression and tool design that is just working.

What can eesy software help the engineer?
那现在essy 软件能怎样协助工程师们达到理想状态呢?
First of all eesy software enables the engineer to test his progression idea before having made any detailed drawing even. He will see any underfilling, folding or air enclosure. He can even see whether the part may crack during forming due to stresses.
Forlding (nut)                     Underfilling (srew) 
如:材料叠痕(螺帽)             材料填充不饱满(螺丝)
He can perform several variations or versions of progressions without making any tooling or interrupting the production for testing.
So after having simulated some variations he can chose the best one for further design.
Finished simulation-optimized design (spark plug)
In this stage he systematically analize loads and stresses to construct the right tooling. The eesy tool design software allows the engineer to calculate the optimized tolling for his progression design and related to the machine to be used.
Punch analysis (extrusion)            Die analysis (extrusion)
如:上冲模的分析(强缩)              下冲模分析(强缩)
Then the engineer will order the tooling. After the manufacturing of the tooling the first trial out on the machine will run – as witnessed by customers repeatedly.
Die design calculation        Die stress analysis
模具设计计算                             模具应力分析
All the trial and error process is shortened drastically. Necessary variations are studied during simulation before any tooling is made even. Production will not be interrupted for unnecessary testing and the production process design will be optimized from the beginning. So not only good qualityproductivity, but good tool life can be expected a well.


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