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2010/7/28 15:26:53| 分类: 感情

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Under immense pressure from the United States government to devise a jerseysbetter plan to contain the oil, BP has now developed a new plan of action. This new plan is supposed to enable BP to capture all of the oil that is estimated to be flowing from the oil well. BP claims that this will be complete by the end of June, which is just a couple of weeks away. The oil that's ca BP expects to capture between 40,000 - 53,000 barrels of oil per day by the end of June, according to the newest plan of action. However, in the event of a hurricane, the containment process would be delayed. It is estimated by scientists that 20,000-40,000 barrels of oil are currently flowing freely from the broken well daily. However, as a result of the most recent attempt to contain the oil by placing a large cap over the leak, approximately 134,500 barrels of oil have been captured thus far, as a result. christian louboutin The new plan is to place a connecting pipe from the oil well to the Discoverer Enterprise, as well as another ship- the Q4000- that is being added on Monday. Once the second ship is added, the well should pump out 20,000-28,000 barrels of oil per day onto the surface, through the pipe. Eventually, the ships will disconnect from the pipe so that a more permanent cap can be placed over the well. Should a hurricane approach, these ships can be shut down temporarily and restarted afterwards. mbt shoes On April 20, 2010, an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers and spilling thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean. Since then, BP, who is the oil company responsible for the accident, has been working to devise a plan to stop the oil leak. However, every attempt thus far has failed. An interview with two crewmen aboard the oil rig when the explosionlouboutin took place revealed that BP was allegedly cutting corners in order to save money, eventually resulting in the explosion. The oil has well has been spilling thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean rapidly each day since the explosion took place. ted or killed from the oil spill, resulting in a decline in the animal life and also affecting the seafood industry greatly. As a result of the toxic chemicals dumped on top of the oil to supposedly keep it from spreading when the accident first occurred, many clean-up workers have become ill. The chemicals christian louboutinare toxic to breathe, contaminating the animals, water, and the air. A further concern is that it is currently hurricane season and many hurricanes are predicted. By mid-July, BP estimates that 60,000 to 80,000 barrels a day will be able to be pumped out of the well onto the surface because of adding another connecting pipe. However, BP stated that during the process of connecting the next pipes, more oil will spill into the ocean temporarily, until the connection is completed. During the process, there are hundreds of peopleugg boots working in a small space on the ships to connect the pipes, which could result in any number of accidents. However, according to BP officials, safety will not be compromised in order to capture the oil from the well (Daker, S. and Herron, J.).


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