WEICON Fast-Metal Minute Adhesives
WEICON Fast-Metal Minute Adhesives
WEICON Fast-Metal Minute Adhesives
WEICON Fast-Metal Minute Adhesives
Due to its high viscosity (paste consistency), this steel-filled adhesive can not only be applied to vertical surfaces, it can also be used to fill cracks, bubbles and uneven surfaces.
Ideal for repairs requiring large tolerance gaps to be bridged.
paste consistency, gap-filling
very short pot life (3 - 4 minutes)
machinable (grinding, filing, drilling etc.)
colour anthracite
WEICON Fast-Metal Minute Adhesive is especially suitable for occasionally necessary repair and maintenance works. It is applied by using the practical double syringe. This means that resin and hardener are delivered automatically in the right proportions. After this, the mixing is done manually.
上海昆邦化工有限公司地址:上海市浦东新区浦东大道2160号301室 邮编:200135
QQ: 578116175
MSN: chem.x@hotmail.com
E-mail: kunbond@yahoo.com.cn
网址: www.kunbond.com