DIN 德国紧固件标准目录

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DIN 6917: October 1989 Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel I sections 钢结构工型梁高强度螺栓连接用四角楔形垫圈 DIN 6918: April 1990 Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sections 钢结构U型梁高强度螺栓连接用四角楔形垫圈 DIN 7349: July 1974 Plain Washers for Bolts with Heavy Clamping Sleeves 带重型夹紧套的螺栓用垫圈 DIN 7965: September 1965 Screwed Inserts(Screw Plugs) 旋进螺钉 DIN 7967: November 1970 Self Locking Counter Nuts 自锁螺母 DIN 7989-1: April 2001 Washers for use in structural steelwork Part 1:Product grade C 钢结构用平垫圈. 第1部分 产品等级C DIN 7989-2: April 2001 Washers for use in structural steelwork Part 2:Product grade A 钢结构用垫圈。第2部分 产品等级A DIN 22425: March 1990 Triangular nuts for use with electrical equipment in mining 矿山用防雷防爆电气设备.三角螺母 DIN 34814: September 1999 Plastic hexagon nuts 塑料制六角螺母 DIN 34815: September 1999 Plastic washers standard series 塑料垫圈.标准系列 DIN 34816: September 1999 Plastic washers Large series 塑料垫圈.大型系列 DIN 80705: August 1990 Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flats 带小开口度的扁螺母.米制细牙螺纹 DIN EN 1661: February 1998 Hexagon nuts with flange(ISO/DIS 4161:1996,modified English version of DIN EN 1661) 带法兰的六角螺母 - DIN 6923 DIN EN 1663: February 1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic inset)(ISO 7043:1997, modified)English version of DIN EN 1663 带有法兰的普通扭矩型六角螺母(带非金属垫片) - DIN 6926 DIN EN 1664: February 1998 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange(ISO 7044:1997, modified) English version of DIN EN 1664 带有夹紧部和法兰的六角螺母.全金属螺母 - DIN 6927 DIN EN 1666: February 1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic inset),with metric fine pitch thread(ISO 12125:1997,modified)English version of DIN EN 1666 米制细螺纹,带夹紧部和法兰的六角螺母(带有非金属垫层) - DIN 6926 DIN EN 1667: February 1998 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange,with metric fine pitch thread(ISO 12126:1997,modified)English version of DIN EN 1667 带夹紧部和法兰的六角螺母.米制细螺纹全金属螺母 - DIN 6927 DIN EN 28738: October 1992 Plain washers for use with clevis pins,product grade A(ISO 8738:1986)English version of DIN EN 28738 螺栓用垫圈.产品等级A DIN EN ISO 887: December 2000 Plain washers for metric bolts,screws and nuts for general purposes General plan(ISO 887:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 887 一般用途一般计划用公制螺栓,螺钉和螺母用平垫圈 - - - DIN EN ISO 1234: February 1998 Split pins(ISO 1234:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 1234 开口销 DIN EN ISO 4032: March 2001 Hexagon nuts,style 1 Product grades A and B(ISO 4032:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 4032 六角螺母。1型 产品等级A和B DIN ISO 4032 DIN 934 DIN 970 DIN EN ISO 4033: March 2001 Hexagon nuts,style 2 Product grades A and B(ISO 4033:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 4033 六角螺母。2型 产品等级A和B - - DIN EN ISO 4034: March 2001 Hexagon nuts Product grade C(ISO 4034:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 4034 六角螺母。产品等级C DIN ISO 4034 DIN 55 DIN 972 DIN EN ISO 4035: March 2001 Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered) Product grades A and B(ISO 4035:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 4035 六角薄螺母(倒角)。产品等级A和B DIN ISO 4035 DIN 439-2 DIN EN ISO 4036: March 2001 Hexagon thin nuts(unchamfered) Product grade B(ISO 4036:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 4036 六角薄螺母(非倒角)。产品等级B DIN ISO 4036 DIN 439-1 DIN EN ISO 4759-3: September 2000 Tolerances for fasteners Part 3:Plain washers for bolts,screws and nuts-Product grade A and C(ISO 4759-3:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 4759-3 紧固件公差。第3部分:螺栓,螺钉和螺母用平垫圈。产品等级A和C - DIN 522 DIN EN ISO 7040: February 1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1-Property classes 5,8 and 10(ISO 7074:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 7074 1型通用扭矩六角螺母(用非金属垫圈).强度等级5,8和10 - DIN 982 DIN 6924 DIN EN ISO 7042: February 1998 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2-Property classes 5,8 ,10 and 12(ISO 7042:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 7042 2型通用扭矩六角螺母(用全金属螺母).强度等级5,8,10和12 - DIN 980 DIN 6925 DIN EN ISO 7089: November 2000 Plain washers-Normal series Product grade A(ISO 7089:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7089 标准型平垫圈。产品等级A - DIN 125-1 DIN 125-2 DIN EN ISO 7090: November 2000 Plain washers,Chamfered-Normal series Product grade A(ISO 7090:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7090 倒角标准型平垫圈。产品等级A - DIN 125-1 DIN 125-2 DIN EN ISO 7091: November 2000 Plain washers-Normal series Product grade C(ISO 7091:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7091 标准型平垫圈。产品等级C - DIN 121 DIN EN ISO 7092: November 2000 Plain washers-Srmall series Product grade A(ISO 7092:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7092 小型平垫圈。第1部分:产品等级A - DIN 433-1 DIN 433-2 DIN EN ISO 7093-1: November 2000 Plain washers-Large series Part 1:Product grade A(ISO 7093-1:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7093-1 大型平垫圈。第1部分:产品等级A - DIN 9021 DIN EN ISO 7093-2: November 2000 Plain washers-Large series Part 2:Product grade C(ISO 7093-2:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7093-2 大型平垫圈。第2部分:产品等级C - DIN 9021 DIN EN ISO 7094: December 2000 Plain washers-Extra Large series Product grade C(ISO 7094:2000)English version of DIN EN ISO 7094 超大型平垫圈。产品等级C - DIN 440 DIN EN ISO 7719: February 1998 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1-Property classes 5,8 and 10(ISO 7719:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 7719 1型通用扭矩六角螺母(全金属螺母). 强度等级5,8和10 - - DIN EN ISO 8673: March 2001 Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread Product grades A and B(ISO 8673:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 8673 1型公制细螺纹六角螺母. 产品等级A和B DIN ISO 8673 DIN 934 DIN 971-1 DIN EN ISO 8674: March 2001 Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread Product grades A and B(ISO 8674:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 8674 2型公制细螺纹六角螺母. 产品等级A和B DIN ISO 8674 DIN 971-2 DIN EN ISO 8675: March 2001 Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered) with metric fine pitch thread Product grades A and B(ISO 8675:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 8675 公制细螺纹六角薄螺母(倒角). 产品等级A和B DIN ISO8675 DIN 439-2 DIN EN ISO 10511: February 1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts(with non-metallic insert) (ISO 10511:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 10511 普通扭矩型六角螺母.薄型螺母(带非金属垫片) - DIN 985 DIN EN ISO 10512: February 1998 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes 6,8 and 10(ISO 10512:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 10512 1型公制细螺纹普通扭矩六角螺母(带非金属垫片).强度等级6,8和10 - DIN 982 DIN 6924 DIN EN ISO 10513: February 1998 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes 8,10 and 12(ISO 10513:1997)English version of DIN EN ISO 10513 2型公制细螺纹普通扭矩六角螺母(全金属螺母).强度等级8,10和12 - DIN 980 DIN 6925 DIN EN ISO 10669: November 1999 Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies Normal and large series-Product grade A(ISO 10669:1999)English version of DIN EN ISO 10669 用于自攻螺丝及垫圈组件的平垫圈.普通及大号系列.A品级 - DIN 6903 DIN EN ISO 10673: October 1998 Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies-Small,normal and large series Product grade A(ISO 10673:1998)English version of DIN EN ISO 10673 螺钉和垫圈组件用平垫圈.小型,标准和大型系列.产品等级A


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