富茂机械——上善若水 厚德载物

富茂机械——上善若水 厚德载物 被访问过:500977


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why so cheap.?

2008/5/28 0:15:41| 分类: 默认分类

 i think to be a person.u must find what  style is fit in with u..

  this world has many many beautiful things .

  but not all  the beautiful things are fit in with u ..

  in this world.everyone has different style.

  it is impossible for two person are the same of this world..

  so we must create the style is fit in with yourself.

  please don't  'copy'(imitate) others..

  it is so 'cheap' and everyone will looked down on u..

  so. u can see that  the 'copy cat' (plagiarist) will be how 'cheap'..

   as a person. plagiarize will let u nasty..

  so everyone must has own style.!


 'copy' -- so cheap..

so . please don't do that..

it is the very annoying thing..

don't be the 'copy cat'..it's so cheap.!


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